Topic Name Description
9th Meeting of the EC-CDP (22 & 23 April 2024) File Agenda & Workplan of EC-CDP-9 - Adopted 22 April
Folder Selection of documents for the joint discussions on EW4All Initiative

Sellection of documents for the joint discussions on EW4All Initiative

File Agenda and Workplan of CDP-9 - Updated and Adopted 22 April
URL Resolution 4 (Cg-19) - United Nations Early Warnings for All initiative
URL Resolution 1 (EC-77) - WMO Contribution to the Early Warnings for All initiative
File 5. WMO Capacity Development Framework
URL Resolution 36 (Cg-19) - WMO Capacity Development Strategy (WCDS)
URL Decision 2 (EC-77) - Directive on Resolution 36 (Cg-19)
File 6. Scientific Advisory Panel Recommendations with Research Board Appraisal
URL Resolution 35 (Cg-19) - Scientific Advisory Panel Recommendations with Research Board Appraisal
File SAP - Science and Technology Vision Paper
File Revised EC-CDP Terms of Reference - Final Version
File TORs & Memberships of ETs and TT 2020-2023
URL Resolution 39 (Cg-19) - WMO Gender action plan for the nineteenth financial period
File WMO Gender Action Plan for the Nineteenth Financial Period
File Presentation by Roseline Devillier
File INFCOM on Gender Equality
URL DRAFT Actions EC-CDP 2024
File Next Meetings of the Capacity Development Panel
File 11 AOB EC-78 Preparations from EC-CDP
8th Meeting of the EC-CDP (5 & 6 February 2024) File Report EC-CDP-8 (approved full report)
File Agenda and Workplan of EC-CDP-8 - Updated 1 February 2024
File 2. Updates since CDP-7
File Composition of the Capacity Development Panel - Updated 6 February 2024
File CDP Requests Actions Tracker V1
File Draft outlines for the review of the major programmes: capacity development programme and regional programme TCC-1(2023)-Doc+4.1+Add
File 4 Revision of TORs of the Capacity Development Panel
File Annotated initial review TORs CDP 2023
Folder Selection of Docs to consult - Review of ToRs
File CDP-8 ET TT Members
File TORs of Expert Teams and Task Team (2020-2023)
File Resource Mobilization
File 7 Proposal for collaboration HMEI and WMO RTCs
File 8 Mapping Regional Contributions
File CDP-8-2023-Hydrology-opt
File Introduction to BIP CS - Revised 2 February 2024
File Draft BIP-CS - Version February 2024
File CDP-8 EC-78 Preparations from EC-CDP
File 12 Next Meeting of the Capacity Development Panel (EC-CDP-9)
File Proposed Provisional Agenda EC-CDP-9
7th Meeting of the CDP (20-22 March 2023) File Report of CDP-7
File Actions and Recommendations from CDP-7
File Information to join CDP-7 online
File Agenda and Workplan - CDP-7
File 2. Review of actions and recommendations from CDP-5 and CDP-6
File 3.1 Report from Education and Training
File 3.2 Report from Infrastructure and INFCOM
File 3.3 Report from SERCOM
File 3.4 Report from Science and Innovations/Research Board
File 3.5 Report from Hydrology, Water Resources and Cryosphere/HCP
File 3.6 Report from WMO IOC Joint Collaborative Board (JCB)
File IOC CD Strategy (approved by IOC 32nd Assembly)
File Outreach and Communications Plan - IOC CDS
File 3.7 Report from SOFF
File Case Study submitted by RA-II
File 5.2 Presentation of Case Study submitted by RA-II
File Case Study submitted by RA-III
File 5.3 Presentation of Case Study submitted by RA-III
File Case Study submitted by RA-VI
File 5.4 Presentation of Case Study submitted by RA VI
File 6.1 Report of the ET on Policy Development and Institutional Matters (CDP-ET-PDIM)
File 6.2 Report of the ET on Human Resources Development, Education and Training (CDP-ET-HRDET)
File 6.3 Report of the ET on Capacity Development through WMO Technical Departments (CDP-ET-TDs)
File 6.4 Report of the ET on Resource Mobilization, Partnerships and Development Assistance (CDP-ET-RMPDA)
File 7.1 Reflections on the work of first EC-CDP
File DRAFT Actions and Recommendations from CDP-7
6th Meeting of the CDP (1 & 2 November 2022) File CDP 5&6 Report
File Information to join CDP-6 online
File Agenda and Workplan - CDP-6 - Updated on Adoption
File WCDS-2023-Draft 02.01 (19 October 2022)
File Compilation of Comments and Suggestions on CDS (Draft 02.01) as received by 31 October 2022
File Template for Comments and Suggestions_CDS Draft 02.01
File WCDS-2023-Draft 03 (4 Nov 2022)
File WCDS Template for Writing Good Practices Cases
File Report of CDP-ET-PDIM - Updated (2 Nov)
File Slides: Summary CDP-ET-PDIM
File Report of CDP-ET-HRDET (updated version)
File Slides: Summary CDP-ET-HRDET
File Report of CDP-ET-TDs
File Slides: Summary CDP-ET-TDs
File Report of CDP-ET-RMPDA
File Slides: Summary CDP-ET-RMPDA
File CDP preparations for EC-76
File AOB-1 - Updates on CD INFCOM-2
File AOB-2 - CDP Post-Congress
File AOB-3 - Updates from ETR Office
URL Education and Training in a Period of Rapid Change: Highlights of the Fourteenth WMO Symposium on Education and Training (WMO-No. 1291)

The report of SYMET-14 has been published in English. French and Spanish translations will follow.

5th Meeting of the CDP (19-23 September 2022) File Information to join CDP-5 online
Folder Useful Information for the time you are in Geneva
File CDP-5 Provisional Agenda and Workplan - Version 4
File Agenda Item 2: About the latest draft of WCDS
File WCDS-2023-Draft01-1_2022-08-28
File Compilation of Comments and Suggestions on CDS as received by 19 September 2022
File Template Table for submitting Comments and Suggestions
File Agenda Item 4: Updates from WMO Member Services Department
File Agenda Item 5: Updates from WMO Services Department
File Agenda Item 6: Updates from WMO Infrastructure Department
File Agenda Item 7: Updates from WMO Science & Innovations Department


File Country Hydromet Diagnostics 2022 Update
File Agenda Item 13: Report of CDP-ET-RMDPA
File Report of RMPDA Survey (Booklet)
File RMPDA Survey Results
File Agenda Item 14: Report of CDP-ET-TDs
File National Inputs to CDP-ET-TDs
File For EC-CDP-ET-CCD Update
File SERCOM Capacity Development Issues & Recommendations
File Agenda Item 15: Report of CDP-ET-PDIM
File Agenda Item 16: Report of CDP-ET-HRDET
File Agenda Item 17.i: Implementation of CONECT
File EC-75-d03-4(1) Consortium of WMO ETR Collaborating Partners (CONECT)
Book CDP-5 Photo Album
4th Meeting of the CDP (15-16 February 2022) File Report of CDP-4 (approved full report)
File Agenda Item-1-Opening and Approval of the Agenda and Tentative Workplan
File Agenda Item-2-Update on implementation of recommendations of CDP-3
File DRAFT SYMET-14 Proceedings
File Agenda Item-3-Report on SYMET-14
URL SYMET-14 Statement - All WMO Official Languages
File Agenda Item-4-Discussion on the concept of the Board of Education and Training Collaborating Partners
File Board of Education and Training Collaborating Partners_Concept_V3
File BIPs Review review process_2018-2021
File BIPs Reviewed - WMO-No.1083 (03 February 2022)
File Agenda Item-5- Updates on BIPs Review
URL Resolution 32 (EC-70) - Review plan for the Basic Instructional Packages
File Agenda Item-6-WMO CDP 4 CDS Presentation
File Draft of Capacity Development Strategy (as of 08 December 2021)
File Agenda Item-7-Survey Result on RMPDA rev 15.02
URL Resolution 10 (Cg-Ext (2021)) – Towards a structured WMO response to global crises
File Agenda Item-9.1-CDP HCP Cooperation
File Agenda Item-9.2-Proposal of SERCOM on amendments to WMO-No.49
URL Proposal of SERCOM Standing Committee on Services for Aviation on amendments to WMO-No. 49
File Agenda Item-9.3-Publication on Leadership and Management
URL Agenda Item-9.3-A new publication on Public Policy and Management with Focus on NMHSs
3rd Meeting of the CDP (15-16 September 2021) File 2021 Report MS-ETR Report 3rd Meeting of the CPD (full report)
File Agenda 1 Adopted Agenda and Tentative Workplan of CDP-3
File 1267 Atlas of Mortality en-final - 26.07.2021
File Agenda 2 Items from the report of the CDP-2
File Agenda 3.1 Report on Capacity Development (Presentation)
File Agenda 3.2 Report on Infrastructure-INFCOM (Presentation)
File Agenda 3.3 Report on Services-SERCOM (Presentation)
File Agenda 3.4 Report on Science and Innovations-Research Board (Presentation)
File Agenda 3.5 Report of HCP (Presentation)
File Agenda 3.6 Report of the Representative of WMO-IOC Joint Collaborative Board (JCB)
File Agenda 3.7 SOFF (Presentation)
File SOFF draft Terms of Reference
File Agenda 4.1 Report of ET-PDIM (Report)
File Agenda 4.2 Report of ET-HRDET (Report)
File Agenda 4.3 Report of ET-TDs (Report)
File Agenda 4.4 Report of ET RMPDA (Report)
File Agenda 5 Update on WMO extrabudgetary projects (Presentation)
File Agenda 6 Report of TT-WCDS (Presentation)
File Agenda 7 Report on SYMET-14 Preparation (Presentation)
File Agenda 8 Education and Training Board Concept for review
File Education and Training Board Concept for review in track changes
File Agenda 9 Revision of education and training publications (Presentation)
File Agenda Item 10 Review of WMO Regional Training Centres (RTCs)
2nd Meeting of the CDP (3-4 February 2021) File Report of the 2nd Meeting of CDP_31 March 2021_approved
File Agenda and Tentative Workplan of CDP-2 (NEW, revised on 03/02/2021)
File Videoconference Link for the 2nd Meeting of CDP
File CDP-2 Meeting on 3 & 4 February 2021
File Guideline for BlueJeans Videoconferencing
File Agenda-1-Agenda and Workplan (Presentation)
File CDP-2-Doc-1-1-rev04-Provisional Agenda and Tentative Workplan
File Agenda-2-Recommendations of CDP-1 (Presentation)
File CDP-2-Doc-2-1-Recommendations of CDP-1 and implementation of the actions
File Agenda-3-Decisions of EC-72 and Follow-up Actions (Presentation)
File CDP-2-Doc-3-1-rev01-Review of relevant decision of EC-72 and discussion of follow-up actions
File Agenda-4-Report and Recommendations of CDP-ET-PDIM (Presentation)
File CDP-2-Doc-4-1-Report ET-PDIM
File CDP-2-Doc-5-1-Recommendations ET-PDIM
File Agenda-5-Report and Recommendations of CDP-ET-HRDET (Presentation)
File CDP-2-Doc-4-2-Report ET-HRDET
File CDP-2-Doc-5-2-Recommendations ET-HRDET
File Agenda-6-Report and Recommendations of CDP-ET-TDs (Presentation)
File CDP-2-Doc-4-3-Report ET-TDs
File CDP-2-Doc-5-3-Recommendations ET-TDs
File Agenda-7-Report and Recommendations of CDP-ET-RMDPA (Presentation)
File CDP-2-Doc-4-4-Report ET-RMPDA
File CDP-2-Doc-5-4-Recommendations ET-RMPDA
File Agenda-8-Report and Recommendations of CDP-TT-WCDS (Presentation)
File CDP-2-Doc-4-5-Report TT-WCDS
File CDP-2-Doc-5-5-Recommendations TT-WCDS
URL Recommendation Suggestions from CDP Teams (editable online)
1st Meeting of the CDP (26-27 August 2020) File Report of the 1st Meeting of the CDP_approved
File Guideline for Videoconference via BlueJeans
File Videoconference Link for the 1st Meeting
File Schedule of Programme of Works (NEW)
File Synthesis Document for Running the Meeting
File Schedule of Programme of Works (NEW)
File Draft Annotated Agenda - 1st Meeting of CDP
File 3- Rules of procedure
File 4 - Approaches to collaboration between the CDP and CBs
File 5.1 - Policy and institutional matters
File 5.2 - Research and development
File 5.3 - State of service delivery
File 5.4 - Hydrology and water resources
File 5.5 - Infrastructure and its development
File 5.6 - Public Private Engagement
File 5.7 - Marine meteorology and WMOIOC collaboration
File 5.8 - Resource mobilization and partnerships
File 5.9 - Communication and outreach
File 5.10 - Human resources development, education and training
File Global Campus Updates for INF
File 7 - Structure of report of the EC Panel to the Executive Council
Resources related to the work of CDP File Decision 9 (EC-73) RECOMMENDATIONS-FROM-THE-CAPACITY-DEVELOPMENT-PANEL-approved en
File Abridged Final Report of the Seventy-second Session (EC-72)
File Resolution 7 (EC-71) on Capacity Development Panel (CDP)
File Capacity Development Panel (CDP) Programmatic Delivery_05 May 2020
File Capacity Development Panel (CDP) Schematic_05 May 2020
File Report of the 28th, the last, EC Panel of Experts on Education and Training
File An International Agenda for Education and Training in Meteorology and Hydrology
File Symposium Statement (SYMET-XIII)
File Checklist for Climate Services Implementation
File Guidelines for NMHSs on Capacity Development for Climate Services
File Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions (WMO-No.1240)
File Rules of Procedure for Regional Associations (WMO-No.1241)
URL Rules of Procedure for the Executive Council (WMO-No. 1256) to be updated with Decision 15 (EC-72)
File 2019 Abridged Final Report of WMO Congress (Cg-18)
File Resolution 1 (Cg-18) on WMO Strategic Plan 2020-2023
File WMO Strategic Plan 2020-2023 (WMO-No.1225)
File WMO Operating Plan 2020-2023
File Forum on UN Capacity Development

Forum on UN Capacity Development

File TCC-1-Agenda Item 4.4 Rules of Procedure for the Panels (input on CDP) Reporting to the EC (Approved by SG)
File TCC-1-Agenda Item 4.4_Presentation by Dr Kijazi
File TCC-1-Agenda Item 5.1 Coordinated Approach to Capacity Development 05 May 2020
File TCC-1-Agenda Item 5.1_Presented by Dr Kijazi
File 5.9 - Communication and outreach
File Abridged Final Report of the 18th WMO Congress
File Geneva Declaration 2019
File Gender-Action-Plan 2020-2023
File Gender Impacts of Weather and Climate
URL Gender Equality
File Guide to the Management of RTC and Other Training Institutions
File The WMO Strategy for service delivery and its implementation plan (WMO-No.1129)
File MeteoWorld No. 3 September 2020
File 2016 EC-68 Resolution 9 Update on ETR Panel
File 2012 Resolution 18 (EC-64) WMO Capacity Development Strategy
File WMO Capacity Development Strategy and Implementation Plan (WMO-No.1133)