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WMO Education and Training Programme
Welcome to World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Education and Training Programme (ETRP) Moodle Platform
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Education and Training Programme (ETRP)
Trainer Resources Portal
Training of Trainers
Symposia on Education and Training
Seminars on Management of RTCs and Training Institutions
Regional Training Centres (RTCs) Activities
ETR Partners Activities
Fellowships Programme (FEL)
CALMet Moodle Courses
On-the-Job Trainers and Competency Assessors Courses
Global Campus Activities
Climate Change Module of MEIG Programme
Air Quality and Atmospheric Composition
Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW)
Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Data Analysis
Climate Services
Quality Management Systems (QMS)
Training Package on “Strengthening the Delivery of Global and Regional Climate Services”
Regional Workshops
WMO-GCF Global Forum on Climate Science Information
Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)
CAP Courses
CAP Resources
Communicating Early Warnings and Climate Information
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
FFGS Portal
Hydrology Related Courses
Impact Based Forecasting
Instruments and Methods of Observation Programme (IMOP) Learning Portal
Calibration and Traceability
Environmental Sustainability
Measurement Uncertainty
Radiation References
Siting Classification
Transition to Automation
Upper Air Measurements
Leadership and Management Programme
Leadership and Management Activities
Resources for Permanent Representatives (PRs)
Public Private Engagement (PPE) Activities
Marine Meteorology
Radar Meteorology
Severe Weather Forecasting
Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP)
Severe Weather Forecasting Programme (SWFP) Courses
OSCAR/Surface Courses
WMO EC Capacity Development