Hydrology Related Courses

Les cours vise à enforcer les capacités des services hydrométéorologiques nationaux de la CEEAC et des organisations de bassins fluviaux d'Afrique centrale en matière de surveillance de la variabilité hydrologique à grande échelle et locale, via l'observation des niveaux d'eau des rivières et des grands lacs à l'aide de données satellitaires, ainsi que la surveillance des événements hydrométéorologiques extrêmes, en mettant l'accent sur le soutien aux décisions d'alerte, à la gestion des risques de catastrophe et des ressources en eau en

The training aims to enhance the capabilities of ECCAS national hydro-meteorological services and Central Africa River basins organizations of large-scale and local hydrological variability by monitoring water levels in rivers and large lakes through satellite-based observations, as well as monitoring severe hydrometeorological events with a focus on supporting warning decisions, disaster risks and water resources management in Africa.

End-to-End Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System course

Hydrology Technicians Course 2023

Hydrology Technicians Course 2022

National Water Academy(NWA), Pune, WMO, and COMET are organizing a International Distance Learning Course in Advanced Topics in Hydraulics, Hydrological Sciences and Hydrometeorology for RA-II for professionals working in hydrological forecasting and design flood analysis in Asian Region ( WMO RA II) , from 7 March - 16 April 2016.

This advanced course is designed to meet the needs of hydrological forecasters who require more advanced training in selected hydraulic and hydrological modeling topics. This course is especially for the participants that have successfully completed the Basic Course or who have requisite knowledge on the subject.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

* Understand distributed hydrological models for flow forecasting
* Have a basic understanding of methods and techniques used in ensemble stream-flow prediction
* Describe basic features of the dam failure modelling process
* Understand various aspects of tropical meteorology, including rainfall analysis and forecasting
* Understand Climate variability and Change
* Define key motivations and purposes of performing forecast verification

National Water Academy(NWA), Pune, WMO, and COMET are organizing a International Distance Learning Course in Advanced Topics in Hydraulics, Hydrological Sciences and Hydrometeorology for RA-II for professionals working in hydrological forecasting and design flood analysis in Asian Region ( WMO RA II) , from 9 March - 27 April 2018.

This advanced course is designed to meet the needs of hydrological forecasters who require more advanced training in selected hydraulic and hydrological modeling topics. This course is especially for the participants that have successfully completed the Basic Course or who have requisite knowledge on the subject.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

* Understand distributed hydrological models for flow forecasting
* Have a basic understanding of methods and techniques used in ensemble stream-flow prediction
* Describe basic features of the dam failure modelling process
* Understand various aspects of tropical meteorology, including rainfall analysis and forecasting
* Understand Climate variability and Change
* Define key motivations and purposes of performing forecast verification

National Water Academy(NWA), Pune, WMO, and COMET are organizing a International Distance Learning Course in Advance Topics in Hydraulics, Hydrological Sciences and Hydrometeorology for RA-II for professionals working in hydrological forecasting and design flood analysis in Asian Region ( WMO RA II) , from 31 May - 16 July 2021.

This advanced course is designed to meet the needs of hydrological forecasters who require more advanced training in selected hydraulic and hydrological modeling topics. This course is especially for the participants that have successfully completed the Basic Course or who have requisite knowledge on the subject.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

* Understand distributed hydrological models for flow forecasting
* Have a basic understanding of methods and techniques used in ensemble stream-flow prediction
* Describe basic features of the dam failure modelling process
* Understand various aspects of tropical meteorology, including rainfall analysis and forecasting
* Understand Climate variability and Change
* Define key motivations and purposes of performing forecast verification

This is is the Second African Region- Distance Learning Course in Hydrology: Basic Hydrologic Sciences

IMTR in collaboration with WMO, the COMET Program and NWS/NOAA are organizing the Second Distance Learning Course in Hydrology I: Basic Hydrological Sciences for professionals working in hydrological forecasting in the African Region, from 24th August to 9th October 2015.

The course is designed to meet the needs of environmental forecasters who do not have formal training in hydrology, but who work with hydrologic data, particularly in flood forecasting. The course (in English only) is intended to provide an understanding of ground, surface, and atmospheric forms of water, and will prepare the student for further study in hydrologic methods and forecasting.

RA-I Hydrology Technicians Course 2018

This course is designed for hydro technicians in the Pacific Island region. It is being offered by New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research with support by the WMO and UCAR's COMET Program. The primary objective is to learn how to perform measurements and system maintenance for streamflow equipment and rain gauges.