مخطط الموضوع
4th International Distance Learning Course in Basic Hydrological Sciences -2017
for Asian Region (WMO RA-II)( 16 October – 30 November 2017 )
Organised by
National Water Academy
Central Water Commission
Pune, India
In association with
COMET & World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) -
Pre-Course Activity
In preparation for this course, we ask you to:
- View the Course Overview video
- Provide some basic information about yourself in your profile
- Register on the MetEd website
- Complete a module and quiz
- Register for the live Orientation Session
Each assignment is listed below.
Note that you can check off activities as you view and complete them. Checking something as complete does not affect quiz scores; it is provided as a convenience for you to keep track of your progress. Some activities will automatically be marked as complete when assignments are submitted. Note that if you received modules on a USB drive, you can access the modules off line but all quizzes require you to be connected to either this course site or the MetEd website.
If you have any questions about the course or how to use this site, please post them to the Course Forum.
Week One: 16-22 October 2017
The first week of the course kicks off with a live orientation session. If you haven't registered for it yet, please do so here. This week presents modules on runoff processes and measurement of river discharge by velocity area method. The Runoff Processes module (developed by COMET) explains how runoff occurs, both at the surface and below the surface. The quiz for this module is hosted on the MetEd website. If you haven't registered on MetEd yet, you'll need to do so before taking the quiz. The second module (developed by NWA) is about measurement of river discharge by velocity area method, and its computation. The quiz for this modules is taken on the course website. Both quiz scores will be tracked in your course gradebook. There is an assignment on discharge calculation that is also due this week. Download the Excel file that contains discharge calculation and assignment sheet, work out the assignment, and upload it through the dropbox before end of the week. Finally, after you complete your assignments for the week, answer the feedback questions.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please post your inquiries to the Course Forum. We are standing by to address any questions you may have with the content presented in the modules or about the assignment.
By the end of this week, participants are expected to take all quizzes, upload a completed assignment, and provide feedback.
تلقي علامة
تقديم الإفادة
Week Two: 23-27 October 2017
The second week begins with elementary concept of Unit Hydrograph (UH) theory followed by module on Streamflow Routing. Both these modules are COMET modules. Be sure to take the quiz for each of this week's modules.
In addition, this week offers an optional module devloped by NWA, that we consider a good read for participants. This module explains derivation of UH by different methods. This includes UH for un-gauged catchments. An Excel sheet on derivation of UH by different approaches is also available for practice by participants.
This week we also ask you to start thinking about the final writing assignment and to decide on a topic to write about.
In addition to taken the 2 required online modules, by the end of this week you'll need to decide on a topic for the Final Writing Assignment and post that decision to a forum.
البدء بالمناقشات: 1 تلقي علامة
تقديم الإفادة
Week Three : 30 October - 3 November 2017
This week's focus in on three modules on flood frequency analysis, flash flood processes, and flood forecasting.
The Flood Frequency Analysis module explains key terms and provides examples of different flood frequency concepts, such as return period and exceedance probability.
The Flash Flood Processes module examines both the hydrologic and meteorological processes that often contribute to the development of flash flooding. Common tools and technologies that are used in flash flood monitoring and forecasting, from manual gauging systems to complex radar- and satellite-based runoff models, are explored.
The third module, Flood Forecasting Case Study, presents a tour of a forecast centre, and lets you visualise a series of activities involved in handling a flood forecasting scenario.
Be sure to complete each module's quiz with a passing score. If you haven't done so in Week Two, decide on your Final Writing Assignment topic and post to the forum.
تقديم الإفادة
Week Four: 6-10 November 2017
In week four, you are required to complete at least two of the eight listed modules. Choose two that are of interest to you and that will most support your Final Writing Assignment. You are welcome to complete as many of the modules and quizzes as you would like however it is required that you have two passing quizzes.
This is also the week to begin preparations for your Final Writing Assignment which is due on 27 November. Take some time this week to review your topic and begin outlining your report. You may also want to review the Grading Criteria.
For this week, complete at least two of the following eight modules and submit two passing quizzes: -
Week Five: 13-17 November 2017
This week, Please complete any required modules for which you still need to submit a passing quiz score. If you have the time and interest, you are welcome to complete optional modules of your interest.
You're primary focus this week should be on your final writing assignment. Please be sure to review the Final Writing Assignment Description and the Final Writing Assignment: Grading Criteria.
All required module quiz scores are due by the end of this week. The final assignment is due by 1100 IST on Monday 27 November 2017.
Week Six and Seven: 20-30 November 2017
These are the final weeks of the course. You will need to complete your final writing assignment and complete any required modules for which you still need a passing quiz score. Be sure to submit your final assignment by 1100 IST on Monday, 27 November 2017.
We will be grading final assignments as they are submitted and will conclude all grading by December 4. On that date, we will also offer a Concluding Webinar Session. Be sure to register for it!
We also ask that you provide feedback on the course through the Course Evaluation Survey. We very much look forward to reviewing your insights on how the course can be improved.
For all participants that successfully complete the course, a certificate of completion will be provided sometime by early January.
القيام بالتسليم