Course Forum

Your postal address

Your postal address

by Dattakumar Chaskar -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Participants,

All the modules and quizzes of DL course are available on-line through course website.    However, for the participants who does not have very good internet connectivity, going through the modules can be very difficult. WMO have copied all the modules on to a PenDrive.   PenDrives have now  been received from WMO.    The same are to be sent to each participant.   However, we do not have your complete postal address.   It is requested that your detailed postal address may be submitted through a link provided in the course website. The link is available at the bottom of Week 2 Activities.  Please click on the link and submit your complete postal address.   The earlier you update your address, the quicker we will be able to send your Pendrive to you.

It may please be noted that Pendrive is given to you for studying the modules off-line.  However, quizzes of each module are required to be taken on-line only.

All the best!
