
  • The resources shared in this Portal were developed by a large group of volunteers. Every effort has been made to contact potential copyright owners. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, we will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

    The Trainer Resources Portal has been co-sponsored by the Eumetcal Programme, with additional generous donation of time by WMO/CGMS VLab and EUMETSAT, as well as other WMO training partners. 

    Want to talk about training resources or other training topics?

    We would love to hear how you have been using these and other training resources. We suggest having this conversation at the CALMet Commons . CALMet Commons is a community site for trainers from national meteorology and hydrology services. It contains a forum for questions and a blog for sharing success stories, resources, and other items of interest. For other questions and comments, or to report problems, contact tra@wmo.int.

  • Design and develop learning activities and resources

    Training resources available in this section focus on the use of active learning strategies and tactics that can help you to create engaging learning activities. The importance of the visual design of learning resources is also explained in documents available in this section, with a good deal of suggestions, templates and examples presented to you.