This Competency Assessment Toolkit is offered to help Members complete competency assessment programmes for their staff involved in delivering marine services.
هذا موقع تجريبي لدورة تدريبية تتضمن مقرراً دراسياً مقترحاً منهج مقترح لتقديم دورة حول المبادئ التوجيهية واللوائح الحالية لخدمات الأرصاد الجوية البحرية في المنظمة (WMO).
Il s'agit de l'offre africaine 2023 du cours sur les directives de l'OMM pour la prestation de services de météorologie maritime pour les pays francophones.
This is the 2022 African offering of the WMO Guidelines for Marine Meteorological Services Delivery course for English speaking countries.
This course is a follow-up for participants who completed the 2021 WMO Marine Services Course for the Pacific Islands.
This is a template course site with a suggested curriculum for offering a course on current WMO Marine Meteorological Services guidelines and regulations.
Ceci est un modèle de site de cours proposant un programme de cours sur les directives et règlements de l'OMM relatifs aux services de météorologie maritime.
This is the 2022 Caribbean offering of the WMO Guidelines for Marine Meteorological Services Delivery course.
This is the 2021 Pacific offering of the WMO Guidelines for Marine Meteorological Services Delivery course.
This is the 2020 offering of the WMO Guidelines for Marine Meteorological Services Delivery course in Spanish.