FFGS Forums
Diagrama de temas
The Forums in this page are addressed to the FFGS community. There is a general Forum for matters that are relevant to the entire FFGS community, but also Forums dedicated to each Regional FFGS project, so that you can have more focused discussions.
Everyone accessing this page will be able to read all messages in all forums, but to write in the Forums you need to login in the WMO ETRP Moodle and be enrolled in the FFGS Forums. Please, email ffgs@wmo.int to obtain the enrolment key and get further instructions to self-enrol. You only need to self-enrol once to be able to write in all the Forums in this page.
Use this Forum for discussions and communications that are relevant to the whole FFGS community.
Choose a Forum from the list below to reach the FFGS regional community you want to communicate with.