IMPORTANT: Breakout Group Discussions Instructions

IMPORTANT: Breakout Group Discussions Instructions

بواسطة - Patrick Parrish
عدد الردود: 0

Instructions for Challenge Theme Breakout Groups

Friday Session 1 will be time for breakout group discussions on the challenge themes we identified based on your submissions. This will drive one of the most important outcomes of the event.

We will have 9 different Breakout Rooms that you can choose to attend. The Breakout Challenge Themes are posted to the Meeting Website in section 5.

We ask that you select which group you wish to attend tomorrow, Thursday, to help us form the Breakout Rooms, keeping them to a reasonable size. See below the link to indicate your attention.

Which breakout group would you like to join? 

On Friday, first, open the normal Zoom link provide to join the Plenary Session.

  • After instructed, you will need to select the Breakout Room you have chosen from the Zoom platform. This will take you to a separate Zoom session.
  • Please note that when you depart the session, choose to leave the Breakout Room only, and do not leave the Meeting itself.

Each Breakout Room will have 1-2 Facilitators to help ensure that you can reach some productive outcomes in the short time we have available. Please be courteous and keep your contributions succinct so that as many people as possible can contribute.

To track the outputs of your discussions and brainstorming, we ask that each group develop an Action Plan. That file is available in Section 5.

The Breakout Group rapporteur will be responsible for keeping notes in the Action Plan. If you wish to volunteer for that role, please let your Facilitator or Facilitators know.

Do your best to discuss as many components of the challenge that you can think of, completing the columns in the action plan as you go. We know that less that 2 hours is not a lot of time, so please put it to good use.


Breakout Rooms

1. Technical Training via DL

2. Technical Challenges of DL

3. Learning Assessment

4. Online Teaching Skills

5. Enhancing Online Communication

6. Collaboration

7. Training Evaluation

8. Diverse Populations

9. New Training Needs