suggestion for improving the downlodable file from wdqms

suggestion for improving the downlodable file from wdqms

de Martina Suaya -
Número de respuestas: 5

Hello all

I found very usefull the option to download data from wdqms webtool. 

But in order to improve this tool, I suggest the country is added as a field. Currently the following are the fields available.

name,wigosid,inOSCAR,longitude,latitude,#received,#expected,default schedule,color code,description,variable,date,center

An issue I've encountered is that sometimes "name, wigosid" are misplaced. And this happens when "name" has a comma in it. For example "Aguas Andinas, La Florida" where information for wigosid is "La Florida"

OCNA SUGATAG,0-20000-0-15015,True,23.94046,47.77706,8,22,False,orange,Availability issues (>= 30%),pressure,2020-09-09 00:00:00+00:00,DWD

Aguas Andinas, La Florida,0-152-0-85565,True,-70.54833,-33.545,8,8,True,green,Normal (>= 80%),pressure,2020-09-09 00:00:00+00:00,DWD

This problem is also present when downloading stations from OSCAR.

Best regards

Martina Suaya


En respuesta a Martina Suaya

Re: suggestion for improving the downlodable file from wdqms

de Timo Proescholdt -

Hi Martina,

great that you are finding the functions of the tool useful.

I think we can add the country as an extra column to the download and also show this info in the station popup. I will keep you posted in this space when it will be available.

The download function correctly quotes/escapes station names with "," in them, by surrounding them with "". You need to use the Excel function "get data from CSV" for it to properly import (or otherwise explicitly tell it that quotes are done with "" in the "text to columns".

Let me know if this works!

kind regards,


En respuesta a Timo Proescholdt

Re: suggestion for improving the downlodable file from wdqms

de Martina Suaya -

Hi Timo, I will be expecting the new feature!

About downloaded data, I use excel to open csv, and then text separator to divide in columns. The only separator that is available is the comma.  There are no "" in the output file. Maybe I'm not understanding your suggestion..



En respuesta a Martina Suaya

Re: suggestion for improving the downlodable file from wdqms

de Timo Proescholdt -

Hello Martina,

the system properly quotes stations which have a comma in the name. For example see

"RAJARHAT, KURIGRAM",0-20000-0-41856,...

The Excel text to columns does not seem to properly deal with encoded text that contains commas.

I have found the "Data -> From Text/CSV" ( in Excel 365) to work properly.. with text to columns it does not work even though I set the text qualifier to " .

I hope this helps,

En respuesta a Timo Proescholdt

Re: suggestion for improving the downlodable file from wdqms

de Martina Suaya -
Timmo, you're right. The "" exist... I was opening with excel the csv and it looses the ""
I'm sure I will find a way to properly open it with desktop excel!
Thank you again
Best regards