GBON module in WDQMS outdated

GBON module in WDQMS outdated

بواسطة - Martina Suaya
عدد الردود: 1


I'm trying to access the GBON module for surface in WDQMS and the last date available is from the 12th of june, so we're missing days 13 an 14. Data base shows all models up to june 12thm, and OSCAR sync for june 15th.


رداً على Martina Suaya

Re: GBON module in WDQMS outdated

بواسطة - Luis Filipe NUNES

Dear Martina,

Apologies for the very late reply. There was an issue with the portal that had prevented us from receiving notifications of new posts.

I believe the issue you reported has been fixed, but please let us know if there is still anything that we should pay attention to.

Thank you, kind regards,
