OSCAR/Surface: New tutorial videos

OSCAR/Surface: New tutorial videos

بواسطة - Luis Filipe NUNES
عدد الردود: 0

Dear WIGOS community

We are pleased to announce that two new tutorial videos on OSCAR/Surface have just been published on Vimeo.

With many thanks to Luisa Ickes (WIGOS consultant) and several Secretariat colleagues, the new tutorial videos on OSCAR/Surface have been produced to address the recently launched features of "Station templates" and "Webclient". Please find them from the links below:

https://vimeo.com/692188458 (station templates)

https://vimeo.com/692187140 (webclient)

Subtitles in various UN languages will be made available for these tutorials, soon.

We hope these videos will be useful for those registering/updating metadata in OSCAR/Surface.

Enjoy watching!

For any comments and/or questions please use the discussion forum in this WIGOS Learning Portal.

Thank you, kind regards,
