OSCAR/Surface online course - Last minute call

OSCAR/Surface online course - Last minute call

от Luis Filipe NUNES -
Количество ответов: 0

Dear WIGOS community,

We are about to start an online course on OSCAR/Surface for WMO Region V that will run from 14 to 17 December 2021.

It turns out that we can accommodate a few more participants, up to 10 more people.

If you are interested and available, please contact us immediately by email (lfnunes@wmo.int, zulkarnain@wmo.int), so that we can register you to the Moodle course and to the test platform (DEPL) of OSCAR/Surface. The selection of such additional participants will be based on a first-come first-served approach.

Details about how the course is organized are described in the attached presentation.

Thank you,
