please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -

Dear WIGOS and OSCAR community,

as some of you may know, we have been working on a web-based client for OSCAR/Surface that will make it easier to perform batch changes, in particular creating stations, changing WIGOS identifiers, making changes to schedules and affiliating stations with networks/programmes.

We are now nearing the release of v1.0, and it would be much appreciated if the community could help testing the client.

The beta version is now available at .

A short overview of the functions and things to look out for are available here.

The tool uses the OSCAR/Surface API, and therefore you need a token to use it. To obtain your token, login to OSCAR/surface and go to management -> machine access. (National Focal Points and Metadata editors only). Then paste the token into the form on top.
While we test, the tool only works with the test version of OSCAR/Surface (, so you need to generate your token there.  Note that the token gets overwritten with the production one every week on Sunday when the systems are synced.

The general idea of the client is that you input information into the spreadsheet like interface and then send it as a batch-process. The progress of the request can be seen in the "status" column. The first row, as well as a downloadable template give an idea of the input format. The first function "create station" can be used to batch create stations, whereas the other three functions (add WIGOS ID, change schedule, add affiliation) modify existing stations. Therefore, these three functions have the ability to first "load" information, by inputting a WIGOS ID into the column "any WIGOS ID". The information in question is then loaded and can be modified in the spreadsheet interface (or copied into Excel), and then sent back. Please note that these three functions only work on existing stations/schedules/variables, so cannot be used to add e.g. a schedule, or a variable.

Please have a look at the web-client and communicate your feedback in the forum, and we would be happy to include it into the final states of the development. It would also be good to know which other functions you would find useful in a web-client.

With kind regards,



Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ŠišovaVeera -

I would like to test. I tried to login to the OSCAR test environment but this is not possible. Should i create another account for testing? 

Thank you.


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -

Dear Veera,

you need to create another account in the identity management system for the test OSCAR, yes.
Just click on "create account". You only need to do this once, but remember that a token generated in the test system is overwritten once per week.



Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

FritzAlexandra -
Dear Timo,

Thank you very much! We tested some features this morning and it looks great so far. I think we will definitely use it in the future!

Unfortunately, we have one use case that we had hoped would be covered by the tool, but is not so far and that is adding a schedule to an existing observation variable.
Our problem is that a lot of stations miss a schedule for a given observation resulting in a broken xml-representation. Is there any chance that this feature might be added in the future or should we solve it on our own?

Without a specific problem in mind, I think that adding new variables to or deleting variables from existing stations could also be a nice feature for future developements.


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -

Dear Alexandra,

I had indeed thought that the ability to "fix" an invalid XML in OSCAR/Surface (which is the case I believe you describe) should be among the functions added next. I also considered that adding/changing a contact as well as the ability to add observations should be a feature.

At this point we can still enhance usability, so please let us know if something was not clear.

with kind regards,



Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

FritzAlexandra -
Dear Timo,
Yes, thats what I was trying to say. Very good news, thank you!
We will be testing the availably features and will let you know if something is unclear or not working.
Kind regards,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ThebaultFabrice -
Dear Timo,

I think I found a bug:
After generating and copying Affiliation list and paste the list in the Affiliations cell, an error occurs and display the following notification: "Please enter comma separated values"


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

VidmarVesna -
Hi everyone,

I wanted to create a simple test station and have encountered same problem that Fabrice has described.



Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -

Dear Fabrice and Vesna,

I can confirm this is a bug. The "generate affiliation" does not take the right codelist value. We will fix this. In the meantime, you can get the right values by going through this list and taking the "notation" value.

with kind regards,



Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

VidmarVesna -
Dear Timo,

I have tested it like you instructed:
- I have inserted WIGOS ID of existing station and
- on this station I have selected existing variable

I have selected 1 new affiliate from code list and I have successfully added it through web-client tool.


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client


Hi Timo


Thanks  for this web client …

I’m trying to load schedule  for number of  stations  at once and it works ok for one, two…five … but when I tried  to set query  and  load  15 station I’ve got error message… is there any restriction regarding the number of stations which can be downloaded (loaded)  with one query?


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -

Hi Kemal,

which error message do you get? (check the logfile window on the right).

In principle there's no limit, but the schedules interface is a bit slow still. Since a station has many schedules, getting schedules for many stations results in quite a long list. If there are good ideas we could improve this in the next version.

What could have happened to you is that you stumbled upon a station with invalid XML, in which case an error is thrown and processing stops.
I am planning to improve this and not stop the processing, and only skip the affected station or schedule.

Can you please confirm the error you are getting?

kind regards,


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

2021-02-04T11:40:55.812Z ERROR : 088f4ab7-7545-43d8-8e78-e8594cef2121 : {"data":{"message":"error: station 0-20000-0-14549 does not exist 'datagenerations'","status":400},"message":"Ok","response_time":"02-04-2021 11:40:52","status":"Successful","status_code":200}

.... but station 14549 exist in the OSCAR with this ID

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -

Hi Kemal,

this is what I suspected. This station has an invalid XML in OSCAR/Surface. This has todo with how the information was initially integrated when we launched the system.

The error message could be more clear, we will improve this and also make sure that such stations are skipped (and logged), but that the processing continues.

I hope that we can add a function to the web-client that would allow to fix such incorrect schedules, later. At the moment the way to fix them is to provide the missing values to OSCAR, either through the GUI, or by downloading the XML, fixing the missing values, and re-uploading it.

I insert a screenshot of where the XML is invalid.



Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

I've deleted invalid station from my request , load again and system now gives me another station as invalid...

2021-02-04T12:42:06.051Z ERROR : 979dc054-5091-4c19-90a8-a393fbec1018 : {"data":{"message":"error: station 0-20000-0-14557 does not exist 'datagenerations'","status":400},"message":"Ok","response_time":"02-04-2021 12:42:04","status":"Successful","status_code":200}

One question by the way :) for data generation date ...if I have station which starts in the past and it is active now what I have to set as end date? empty or??

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -
Dear Kemal,

sorry for the late reply, we've been working to improve the issue you reported with invalid XML in OSCAR. As you know, OSCAR produces invalid XML for some stations because it does not have all the information in order to create a valid XML file. This mostly happens with schedules.

We have improved the client so that it can now handle such cases. The way it works is that you can "load" an invalid schedule in "change schedules". Such schedules can be identified because they have one or more "None" in the "schedule representation" field. By setting the None fields and sending the schedule back you should be able to "fix" the invalid XML for most stations. The way this works is that the client is able to create a valid XML from the invalid XML with the info supplied.

Could you please test and confirm that you can now update the schedule of stations, including those where it indicated an invalid XML error before?

Note that in case of "change WIGOS id" and "add affiliation" the update will still fail if the XML is invalid in OSCAR (because it fetches,updates and sends back XML). But if this occurred it's possible to "fix" the station in case by loading and updating the schedules first.

with kind regards,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

Hmmmm .... It seems to me that problem remain the same.... I'd try to Load schedules for 14 main synoptic stations and again got error:
2021-02-16T08:54:03.076Z ERROR : 2424b398-a6eb-4659-8c34-7f4926e00ed8 : {"data":{"message":"error: station 0-20000-0-14657 does not exist 'datagenerations'","status":400},"message":"Ok","response_time":"02-16-2021 08:53:58","status":"Successful","status_code":200}
As you told me that the reason is wrong XML I'd clear my request and try only with station mentioned in error log ...14657... I've got fully correct fields for Schedule representation
... as you can see there is no "None" in any field.... so where is that error in existing XML?

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

FritzAlexandra -
Dear Timo,

Since we are also strugling with invalid xmls, I tested this for one of our stations, and it also does not work. I can load the station without any error message, but the respective observation is just missing and so I cannot change or fix the schedule.
I think the reason with our station (and it might be the same for Kemals example) is, that already in the deployment a begin date is missing.
I think you can also see it in the log file - there is a "null" inbetween the several "data" entries..

{"date_from":"2016-04-29T00:00:00Z","date_to":null,"deployment_id":"id_b074e828-8a42-7937-e053-148ef98d6de4","deployment_name":"2016-04-29T00:00:00Z-None","international":true,"near-real-time":true,"schedule":"Jan-Dec/Mon-Sun/0:0-23:59/3600","schedule_id":"id_b074e82a-623f-7937-e053-148ef98d6de4","schedule_name":"2016-04-29T00:00:00Z-None","status":"operational","variable":251,"wigosID":"0-20000-0-11027"},null,{"date_from":"2016-04-29T00:00:00Z","date_to":null,"deployment_id":"id_b074e828-8a44-7937-e053-148ef98d6de4","deployment_name":"2016-04-29T00:00:00Z-None","international":true,"near-real-time":true,"schedule":"Jan-Dec/Mon-Sun/0:0-23:59/3600","schedule_id":"id_b074e82a-6241-7937-e053-148ef98d6de4","schedule_name":"2016-04-29T00:00:00Z-None","status":"operational","variable":309,"wigosID":"0-20000-0-11027"}],"message":"Ok","response_time":"02-17-2021 11:58:02","status":"Successful","status_code":200}

I hope that helps!
best regards,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -
Hi Alex,

great that you are checking and sorry that everything is not working yet. I think we can solve your issue, which is a slightly different case of "invalid". I should be able to deploy a patch tomorrow. We are talking about e.g station 0-20000-0-11027, correct? When I check the station it has one invalid schedule, which indeed is not loaded by the web-client.


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

FritzAlexandra -
Hello Timo,

Thats great news. Thank you! This will be very helpfull for us, since we have a long list of stations with the exact same issue. Looking forward to testing it when you have deployed the patch.
And yes, this is the example I used.


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -

Hi Alex,

I deployed the fix (we actually deliberately excluded such stations initially) and was able to fix the station 0-20000-0-11027 .
I put a schedule (copied from above) and also put a "date from" (also copied).

Can you confirm it also works for other such stations?

with kind regards,



Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

FritzAlexandra -
Hello Timo,

That was fast :)
Yes, I can confirm it works for such stations. Thank you very much!


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

VidmarVesna -
Dear Timo,

I have adjusted the code I have developed for API-push. Basically, I collected all of our data from db and I wrote it into CSV file. I have tested option "Create a new station" for inserting multiple stations and I have following questions and observations:

1.) Can you, please, double check names of columns for Longitude and Latitude? There may be a problem that column order is wrong.

2.) I have prefilled columns for "International" &  "Automatic stations" with value 'yes' => when I insert this into WebClient, I get #bad-value# error.
These 2 fields contain check boxes - Is it possible to programmatically prefill these fields? Which values should I use for pre-filling?

3.) Name Field: Type  =  Land (fixed) => when I insert this value into WebClient, I get error. Is it possible to programmatically prefill this field? Which value should I use for pre-filling?
TYPE field also has drop-down menu. If I want to insert 90 + new stations, that is a lot of clicking :(

4.) There is still problem, when we have 2 stations with Different WIGOS-ID and Same Name. When I tried this it produced 'Unknown error' . I knew the nature of error, because I have been testing OSCAR a lot recently. New users would need more extensive description of such error.

5.) I have tested 'Optional Fields' for Supervising Organization (EARS) and Description (AWS). These fields are now working correctly, thank you :)

Thank you for you reply and suggestions how to handle newly-found problems.

This is very promising tool, with few adjustments it will make inserting new stations into OSCAR db very user friendly experience.

Warm regards,


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -
Dear Vesna,

thanks for the testing. Let me answer your points one by one.

1) Lat/Lon.. could you please double check. I just created a test where lat/lon worked corretly
2,3) Input format for checkbox and dropdown. Use TRUE/FALSE for checkbox and the value as seen in the dropdox "Land (fixed)" and you should be able to paste in the values.
I use the following to test (from a CSV file in Excel) and it recognizes it:

48.22 2.22 1 1981-01-25 TRUE 216, 224, 225, 226, 227 operational GOS Jan-Dec/Mon-Fri/00:00-23:00/600 India UTC-12:00 0-356-99-1 TRUE Test batch 1 Land (fixed) Asia

Could it have something todo with locale/language of the spreadsheet you copy from? Can you check again and tell me if you can get it to work?

4) In the current system the station name is still enforced to be unique. This constraint will be removed in the next release. You should be able to see the reason of the error by checking the log window on the right? Can you see the error details there?

5) great to hear!

Thank you for your help with this!

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

VidmarVesna -
Dear Timo,

I have re-check my code:

1.) you are right.

2 & 3) I have prefilled columns for "International" & "Automatic stations" with value 'TRUE' => then it worked correctly and it has made check marks inside boxes.

4.) I tried to insert a new station with different WIGOS-ID and same name. In column status I got RED and It says "Unknown error". Inside Log I found longer explanation:
2021-02-11T16:09:48.128Z ERROR : ROW NUMBER - 7 : a5fa66c4-0a54-4d6a-a135-787705a73b09 : {"data":{"message":"unknown error status: REJECTED (upload failed with status: REJECTED the log is The list below is organized by section header and shows exceptions/issues – if any – that may have resulted from the processing of the XML (NB: Section headers are always displayed).\n# Facility with identifier \"0-705-0-245\"\nREF_3: A station with name \"BILJE\" and different WIGOS Station Identifier already exists. Station is discarded.\nREF_2: No inserts or updates have been made by the received XML.\n)","status":501},"message":"Ok","response_time":"02-11-2021 16:09:44","status":"Successful","status_code":200}

When do you think it will be possible to use WebClient to for uploading to operational OSCAR db?

Thank you for fast reply and warm regards,


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

von LöwisSibylle -

Hello Timo,

I have tested the tool. It works fine and is great to have. I had some problems with the affiliation to begun with but could find the solution. When I looked up the station entry in the OSCAR/Surface test environment it seems that the time zone value was not registered although it was filled out in the WebClientTool.

Kind regards,

回复von LöwisSibylle

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -

Dear Sibylle,

glad to hear you are finding the tool useful.

The XML standard does not currently support sending the timezone, so we will probably have to hide this field in the production version of the web-client, or find a workaround to setting this field.

I will keep you posted.

with kind regards,


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

KlausenJoerg -

Hi Sibylle, Timo

I don't fully agree with Timo's statements. The WMDR has an element timeZone to specify the time zone the facility is in. The XML Schema uses ISO8601 compliant datetime stamps, and there you can in principle encode different timezones. I am currently not sure where full timestamps can actually be used in OSCAR/Surface, though. Can you clarify in what context you need timestamps?

Thanks and kind regards



Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

von LöwisSibylle -

Hello Timo and Jörg,

thank you for your reply. The time zone is part of the stations entry. Therefore, it would be nice to have it in the WebClient Tool but I can also edit the entry afterwards. I'm looking forward to the operational version of this tool and perhaps more fields could be added.

Kind regards,


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

VidmarVesna -

Dear Timo,

We have added ARSO as Supervising organization to production OSCAR ( last week. This week demo and production versions were synchronized.

I do not understand, why I cannot choose as Supervising Organization ARSO from drop-down menu inside WebClient Tool (demo version).

If I manually edit station VOGEL (in production OSCAR) for Affiliation program GOS, I have no problems selecting ARSO as Supervising Organization.

Thank you for your reply,



Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -
Hi Vesna,

in the production version there will be a fix that allows to input values not contained in the code-list.
We will also try to sync the code-lists more regularly so that it shows up when you make a change in OSCAR.

kind regards,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

VidmarVesna -
Hi Timo,

Thank you for your reply. Your solution sounds great - thank you!

I am still testing Web Tool and I have problems today. I wanted to upload this test station :
SVN-TEST-GRINTOVEC 0-705-0-10001 Land (fixed) 14.53611 46.3569 2558 1993/01/01 Slovenia Europe TRUE 224, 251, 216, 210, 266, 12005,12006, 230, 179, 531, 573, 571, 270, 273, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596 operational GOS Jan-Dec/Mon-Sun/00:00-23:59/600 TRUE

and I keep getting this error:

2021-02-25T12:18:01.924Z ERROR : ROW NUMBER - 1 : 72cbe064-916d-4ab2-ba26-374dde3c9dad : {"data":{},"message":"Error in at 52 : only DEPL implemented at this stage","response_time":"02-25-2021 12:17:57","status":"Error","status_code":400}

Can you, please, let me know what is the problem? This station definitely does not exist in DEMO OSCAR DB, so it shouldn't be a problem.



Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -
Hi Vesna,

this is because you sent your request to production, which is still blocked internally before the release. I have deactivated the PROD/DEV slider again, for the moment.

with kind regards,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

VidmarVesna -
Hi Timo,

thank you for your fast response. I have checked Web Tool and the slider is deactivated.

I have tried to input test station again:
SVN-TEST-GRINTOVEC 0-705-0-10001 Land (fixed) 14.53611 46.3569 2558 1993/01/01 Slovenia Europe TRUE 224, 251, 216, 210, 266, 12005,12006, 230, 179, 531, 573, 571, 270, 273, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596 operational GOS Jan-Dec/Mon-Sun/00:00-23:59/600 TRUE

but it returns me red 'Invalid XML' message and in the log, I can read this error:
2021-02-26T08:29:23.659Z ERROR : ROW NUMBER - 1 : 190509ca-c5ed-4832-80e2-87f6bc34de3d : {"data":{},"message":"Error in at 52 : only DEPL implemented at this stage","response_time":"02-26-2021 08:29:18","status":"Error","status_code":400}

I hope his will help you resolve the bug,

Warm regards,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

SornalingamThinesh -
Hello Timo,

Thank you for developing the web client, it is proving to be most useful, especially by regional non-NHMS operators.

Regarding the sync of the code lists and drop down values in the web client, what is the current frequency of refresh?

My use case: added new organization to both ops an depl on May 12, but still not available in web client supervising organization drop down.

Thank you
Thinesh S.

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -
Dear Thinesh,

the organization list does not refresh at this point, this is something we want to fix in the next release.
In the meantime you can still input the short or longname of the newly created organization, the input field also allows custom input.

With kind regards,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

GrapesGeorge -
I have noticed that using this program can be quite dangerous using the function
"Create new station".

I experimented with my test station (0-348-1-13711, Sopron Fertőrákos).
I have previously updloaded this station via the API.
I think the tool will overwrite my former data, but the result was very
"Sopron fertőrákos" became an alias, the coordinates are listed twice:
47.714722°N 16.665833°E 117
47.7147222°N 16.6658333°E 116.8
and the specified item (Humidity) is listed twice also:
From 2021-02-01-
From 2021-01-01-

When I tried the reload the data from Oscar under Change schedule of an
existing station I got an error:
Something went wrong while loading data.

I deleted the unnecessary lines later.

If I understand correctly, the program function should not be used for modification
but it can be now. In this case, it would be safer to disable this type of loading.

This case can happen to anyone, for example, if you want to load 100 new stations,
but some of them are already loaded.

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

FritzAlexandra -
I can confirm this: using "Create new station" on an already existing wigos-id will edit the existing station. lat/lon are updated, variables will be added, while the existing ones remain the same.
I agree that this is potentially dangerous and I feel the tool should rather give an error message instead of editing an existing station.


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -
Dear Alex and George,

thanks for keeping the testing up!

What you report is consistent with creating a station over an existing one, a case for which the tool is not made. The result will be that the information will be merged where it is different (additional coordinates, variables, name/alias).

I agree that we should not allow creation of a station that already exists, as identified by the WIGOS ID. If this were to happen, an error message would be shown for this station. The only downside is slightly longer processing time, because we need to check for each station if it exists already.

I can also confirm that I cannot load the schedules of "0-348-1-13711", I will look into what's wrong and let you know.

kind regards,

What do you think?
kind regards,

with kind regards,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

FritzAlexandra -
Hello! I think a slightly longer processing time is worth it compared to the risk of messing up an existing station, maybe without even realizing it.

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -
Dear Alex and George,

I can report that the tool no longer allows creating a station with a WIGOS ID that is already existing.

In the next release of OSCAR/Surface (1.6), scheduled in the next weeks, the uniqueness constraint on name will be removed, so multiple stations with the same name (but not WIGOS ID) can be created.

with kind regards,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -
Dear Vesna and George, all,

the issues you have been reporting are now being fixed, this is why you have been seeing these error messages.
Please give some time, I will inform you when the system is working again.

Thank you and have a nice day,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

ProescholdtTimo -
Dear Vesna and George, all,

we have just released a new version of the tool in which the issues you reported were addressed.

I checked the stations reported by George/Emery and I can now load the schedules for all of them. Please note that the two new stations (0-348-1-24120
0-348-1-28700) do not yet have schedules in OSCAR/Surface. Therefore no schedules are loaded from them. Contrary to the previous version, there is no error message this time. Note that in the case of these two stations no schedule is loaded at all, so there's an empty spreadsheet in case you only load one of the two or both. This is something that may be improved in the future. A warning could be shown in case there were no schedules for a station.

I also checked that creation/add affiliation/change wigos id work and that we are able to "fix" a station with an invalid schedule.

Can you confirm that it is working for you?

Thank you and kind regards,

Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

GrapesGeorge -

Dear Timo!

Yes, now I can load our stations too.

Can I see that the height can now be given to one decimal place?

Thank you: George


Re: please help testing the OSCAR/Surface web-client

GrapesGeorge -
Some new notes for creating new station:

The combination CTRL + INSERT, SHIFT + INSERT does not work, I found out after several hours of suffering. It should be noted that we use the combination CTRL + C, CTRL + V.

It would be nice if csv, xls or odt file could be uploaded to the tool.

There could be a new column for the station alias. The name would be reserved for international use with a Latin alphabet, and the alias would be the real name of the station with national characters.