Dear Vesna,
Thank you for your message.
In order to better prepare a response, could I ask you to clarify your question, please, e.g. could you please explain what do you mean by AMP and idmm numbers.
If you could provide one, or more examples of the challenge you are facing, including which/where variables are being measured, that will help us better understand your question and to provide better guidance.
I believe this post relates to a previous one copied below:
Dillema about assigning WIGOS-ID (manual & automatic observations) by Vesna Vidmar - Tuesday, 10 November 2020, 6:51 AM:
In Slovenia we have several stations where manual and automatic observation is not made at the same place but the station name is the same.
Distance between manual and automatic station is aprox. 50 m - 400 m.
Should observer get unique WIGOS-ID or can we use same WIGOS-ID and we insert two types of measurement using different affiliate program? Is there some other way to insert different ways (manual vs. automatic) of measurement data?
Thank you for providing us with further instructions,
Regards, Vesna
Thank you, best regards,