Webinar #15: WDQMS Webtool and the critical elements in OSCAR/Surface (Monday 20th Apr 2020, 12h UTC)

Webinar #15: WDQMS Webtool and the critical elements in OSCAR/Surface (Monday 20th Apr 2020, 12h UTC)

بواسطة - Luis Filipe NUNES
عدد الردود: 1

Dear WIGOS community,

After a short break last March, in our series of OSCAR/Surface related webinars, due to both the Secretariat restructuring and the covid-19 outbreak, we are now about to resume the monthly webinars.

From now on we will try to progressively adopt a more integrated approach for the various WIGOS systems and tools and we'll try to keep the regularity as much as possible.

So, this is to announce the next OSCAR/Surface related webinar that will be held on Monday 20th April 2020 at 12h UTC.

The next webinar will focus on the metadata elements in OSCAR/Surface that are critical to the WDQMS webtool, and the main speaker will be Timo Pröscholdt from the WMO Secretariat. As usual, the duration is 1 hour, including questions and answers, and the main language is English.

Everyone can participate, so please mark it in your calendar and share it with others who may be interested within your organization, country, community.

We will much appreciate receiving any suggestions on new topics for the coming webinars, that you would like to discuss, and we will also consider organizing webinars in other languages and other times, e.g. to suit specific regions, if requested.

We will be using the WMO videconferencing tool BlueJeans, so participants are advised to connect a few minutes ahead of the official start to make sure you can connect without problems.

To connect to the webinar, follow the following URL:                                https://bluejeans.com/887021073?src=join_info

In case you want to join by phone, use one of the following numbers   (https://www.bluejeans.com/premium-numbers) and use meeting ID: 887 021 073

I look forward to speak to you all again!


رداً على Luis Filipe NUNES

Re: Webinar #15: WDQMS Webtool and the critical elements in OSCAR/Surface (Monday 20th Apr 2020, 12h UTC)

بواسطة - Ran Zhang
Dear all,

the recording and materials of today's webinar are now available. Thank you for your attendance. Please do not hesitate to contact should you have any questions.

Best regards,