webinar #14: OSCAR instrument catalogue (Wed 26th Feb 2020, 10h UTC)

webinar #14: OSCAR instrument catalogue (Wed 26th Feb 2020, 10h UTC)

de Timo Proescholdt -
Número de respuestas: 2

Dear OSCAR community, 

a short announcement that the next OSCAR/Surface webinar will take place on Wednesday 26th February 2020 at 10h UTC. 

This time we will speak about how to maintain the instrument catalogue in OSCAR/Surface.

The monthly webinar on OSCAR/Surface is organized each month for the duration of 1 hour. Each time a new topic is presented, after which there is time for questions. Everyone can participate. The main language will be English but webinars in other WMO languages can be organized on request. 

We will be using the new WMO videconferencing tool BlueJeans now, so participants are advised to connect a bit ahead of the official start to make sure you can connect without problems. Use the following instructions to connect to the meeting.

To connect to the webinar, follow the following URL: 


In case you want to join by phone, use one of the following numbers (https://www.bluejeans.com/premium-numbers) and use meeting ID:  891389975

Look forward to speaking!


En respuesta a Timo Proescholdt

Re: webinar #14: OSCAR instrument catalogue (Wed 26th Feb 2020, 10h UTC)

de Timo Proescholdt -

Dear OSCAR community,

a short reminder about the webinar on the instrument catalogue this Wednesday 26th February at 10h UTC.

best regards,