Green group feedback European NMHSs

Green group feedback European NMHSs

HigginsMark -

Framework: national needs feed requirements. It is teh competencies that are designed to meet those needs. The BIPs provide the basic knowledge and skills required for the job. Further training beyond the BIP is required for people to actually be able to do the job and meet the competencies.

The content of the BIP should be needed and enough to meet the basic needs. There probably needs to be a separation between the -M -H and -CS qualifications. This reflects that what is needed for -CS is not always required in -M and vice versa. 

We noted that the well resources services use the BIP as an audit baseline, checking that the course s meet the qualification. In other places the BIP firms the baseline for design, and the review should prioritize those users. 

What to add or take out - content should be driven from the competencies rather than injected at the BIP.

The BIP ist designed for operations, universities may benefit. 

The BIP-MT is more complex as there is not a set of competencies that it responds to. It may be the different modules are needed, for example observations, IT, data processing, instrument maintenance.