WDQMS release 1.5 (Marine Quality component )

WDQMS release 1.5 (Marine Quality component )

بواسطة - Timo Proescholdt
عدد الردود: 0

Dear WIGOS community,

the Marine Quality component of WDQMS was released on 9/7/2024 as WDQMS v1.5.

The Marine Quality component shows on a map quality statistics (OBS-B) of ships, moored and drifting buoys for 6h and daily periods and per center, currently DWD and ECMWF. It is part of the NWP module.

More detailed information about the marine asset, including its route, can be displayed via a popup.

This release is does not yet feature full integration with WIGOS Metadata in OSCAR/Surface and monthly aggregations, which will be implemented in a second release planned for the 2nd half of the year.

The WDQMS team