OSCAR/Surface Secondary Focal Points

Re: OSCAR/Surface Secondary Focal Points

NUNESLuis Filipe -

Dear Leonard,

Not sure what you mean by "OSCAR/Surface Secondary Focal Point", nevertheless, please note that in OSCAR/Surface the existing roles are: OSCAR/Surface National Focal Point (NFP) and Metadata Editor (plus a few more other roles).

The OSCAR/Surface NFPs are nominated by their PRs via the WMO-Contacts database (CPDB), and here your PR may wish to nominate more than one NFP on OSCAR/Surface, although not required. If that happens all nominated NFPs will have the same status in CPDB and role in OSCAR/Surface.

In addition, the NFP on OSCAR/Surface may wish to delegate its responsibilities on one or more "Metadata Editors". Creating Metadata editors for your country can be done directly in OSCAR/Surface by the NFP, not in the CPDB. Please refer to the OSCAR/Surface User Manual.

I hope this helps. Best regards,
