Dear Kevin,
Thank you very much for reporting this. I did check the information on WDQMS and I can confirm that NWP Centers are sending the statistics from the NZ stations (switch to quality on the monitoring category and you will be able to see them). However, there is a problem with the availability as these stations are no longer identified as upper-air stations (you can see them as yellow dots, which means the NWP Ids cannot be matched to the WSI extracted from OSCAR/Surface) except for Raoul Island 0-20000-0-93997 (black dot, meaning not reporting). I investigated a bit further and found out that according to the information stored in WDQMS database (retrieved daily from OSCAR/Surface) these stations are closed since 2 December 2021 (see below). And in fact, if you compare the availability maps on 2/12 with 3/12, the green dots turned into yellow dots for the NZ stations. I think you will need to check the stations' metadata in OSCAR/Surface and probably revert the changes made on the 2nd of December 2021.
Please be aware that it takes 24h to see the changes in OSCAR/Surface reflected on WDQMS maps and lLet me know if you encounter any further problem.
Kind regards,
Cristina Prates