Basic Satellite Course Introduction
The course aims to give an overview on the basics of satellite
meteorology: image analysis i.e. the interpretation of patterns in
satellite images that are related to various meteorological phenomena.
During the course you will read, watch and answer questions about
various surface features like vegetated ares, urban areas, difference
between sea and land, you will identify cloud types and analyze their
characteristics and you will learn to interpret atmospheric phenomena,
like for example: dust storms, smoke and fires from satellite data.
The course is asynchronous, which means that you can take it at your
own pace as all the lectures are pre-prepared. Quizzes are made for
youto check your level of understanding.
This module - Surface Features
In this module you will be able to identify geographical features and
surface characteristics and conditions through images and satellite
products. Although surface features are not the main purpose of
meteorological forecasting, being able to identifying and distinguish
them from atmospheric features can be useful. More specific in-depth
usage of satellite data in specialized areas, such hydrology,
climatology and agrometeorology, is not currently considered.
Expected Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module students should be able to identify the following:
- Terrain and geographical features.
- Surface characteristics and conditions, including dry/wet, different vegetation types and clear areas, sand and desert.
- Identify snow/ice cover and analyse its extent.
Target Audience
The primary audience for the training are forecasters in shifts who
have access to different satellite (and model) products, though limited
time or knowledge because of their schedule and the lack of training.
Secondary audience are any other meteorologists and geoscientists that
are working with satellite data in training, research, etc.
WMO Competency Framework:
Satellite Skills and Knowledge for Operational Meteorologists
Online lesson/guide
Link to resource:
Author of resource: EUMeTrain
Copyright: CC BY-SA
Added by Tomislav Marekovic on 5 Nov 2024 (last modified on 14 Nov 2024)