Satellite RGB Imagery Interpretation for Ocean and Island Settings 


This lesson explores the application of satellite red, green, and blue (RGB) imagery products to typical weather conditions over tropical Pacific Ocean island regions with a focus on convection. By focusing on what satellite RGB products provide, their capabilities and limitations, this lesson intends to encourage greater use of these products for improved real time analysis and forecasting. The lesson addresses some of the performance components, and also skills, techniques and knowledge requirements, that are specified as part of the Satellite Skills and Knowledge for Operational Forecasters: Skill 2 - Identify Cloud types and their characteristics (specifically 2.2, 2.6, 2.7, 2.d, and 2.e). 

WMO Competency Framework:
Marine weather forecasters
Satellite Skills and Knowledge for Operational Meteorologists

Online lesson/guide


Link to resource:
Author of resource: COMET MetEd
Copyright 2024, UCAR

Added by Nayeon Kim
on 29 may 2024 (last modified on 29 may 2024)