Integrating Scatterometer Wind Data in Weather Forecasting: Tropical Pacific Cases 


In this lesson, learners will interpret scatterometer wind data and apply their knowledge of scatterometry to analyze and diagnose weather features. Learners will further integrate this information alongside other available satellite and NWP datasets from two real tropical Pacific case studies. Both case studies challenge learners to use their findings within everyday forecasting processes and decision support tasks.

The intended audience for this lesson is operational forecasters and students familiar with how scatterometers estimate surface winds and who want to integrate those wind estimates within their forecast and service delivery processes. To get the most out of the lesson, learners should have at least a Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists (BIP-MT) level background in meteorology and have completed the "Introduction to Scatterometry" lesson, which is part one of this series.

WMO Competency Framework:
Marine weather forecasters
Satellite Skills and Knowledge for Operational Meteorologists

Online lesson/guide


Link to resource:
Author of resource: The COMET Program
Copyright 2023, UCAR

Added by Patrick Parrish
on 4 Dec 2023 (last modified on 4 Dec 2023)
