5. Collaborative Decision Making

In this discussion format, students work together to explore complex problems or issues. They collaborate in analyzing information, drawing conclusions, generating solutions and making decisions. Creativity is encouraged. The team dynamics might evolve during the process, helping to develop teamwork skills. 

Example: Divide learners into two groups and have one group represent meteorologists and the other represent public officials responsible in severe weather situations. First, each group separately discusses what data and information they need and can provide to the other group. Each participant is required to submit at least one idea in a post to the Discussion Forum to continue in the assignment. Then, after compiling and coming to consensus on their input, the groups share their results in an large open forum to see how well they match. Together, the large group develops a list of recommendations for communications during severe weather.

In addition to using the Moodle Forum, external tools like Socrative.com or a collaborative Google doc can be of use.