1. Create a course guide

1.3. Set expectations

What to include:

  • Expectations from learners should include a general description of required participation in activities and assessment (if applicable). A course schedule may be linked to information in this section;
  • Highlight learner’s responsibility in the learning process. You may want to highlight that attaining competencies requires work on the learner's part and that developing an independent learner attitude is important for success. You may link this to a document containing guidance for online learning studies (if applicable);
  • Guidance on how much time learners should expect to dedicate to attend the course;
  • Expectations from the course (what learners can expect) should provide a clear explanation of course support and facilitation (who is responsible for what?), including availability of support (e.g. office hours, expected reply time for electronic communications, financial support (if applicable), IT helpdesk);
  • Provide a “Support contact’s list” (if applicable);
  • Provide Netiquette and Code of Conduct guidelines.