2.1.2 Create a Page
متطلبات الإكمال
2. Example
Let's say you want to explain how snow and ice appear in Natural Colour RGB image, and you want to have a format similar to one used at Eumetrain's Colour Interpretarion Guide. Well, if you have some experience, you could copy the HTML code from the Eumetrain site and paste it into embedded HTML source editor. Or you can do something like this (using Page resource):
Snow and ice on the ground
In the Natural Colour RGB, cyan colour of snow and ice on the earth surface results from a strong reflection of short wave solar radiation (green arrows). The more homogenous the snow/ice cover is, the brighter the colour will be. Snow and ice on mountains (red arrow) will therefore be depicted in a stronger cyan colour than snow on ground often disrupted by vegetation.MSG channels 1 (0.6 micron) and 2 (0.8 micron) contribute much more than channel 3 (1.6 micron) to the satellite measured radiation since the latter is strongly absorbed by snow and ice crystals.