This 2 to 2.5 hour self-paced course makes use of text, interactive graphics, case-studies and activities to introduce the basic concepts of impact-based forecast warning systems. After completing this course students will be better equipped to help their organization advance an impact-based approach in hydro-meteorological services, disaster risk reduction and related areas. (Please note, in order to complete the modules in this course, you must allow pop-up windows from this site in your browser.)

Durée approximative pour terminer ce cours: deux heures à deux heures et demie. Ce cours utilise des textes, des graphiques interactifs, des études de cas et des activités pour présenter les concepts de base des systèmes de prévision et d’alerte axées sur les impacts. À l’issue de ce cours, vous serez mieux préparé pour aider votre organisation à promouvoir une approche axée sur les impacts dans les services hydrométéorologiques, la réduction des risques de catastrophe et les domaines connexes.

Tiempo aproximado de realización: de 2 a 2,5 horas. En este curso se utilizan texto, gráficos interactivos, estudios de casos y actividades para presentar los conceptos básicos de los sistemas de predicción y avisos que tienen en cuenta los impactos. Tras hacer el curso, el participante estará mejor equipado para ayudar a su organización a fomentar un enfoque en que se tengan en cuenta los impactos en el ámbito de los servicios hidrometeorológicos, la reducción del riesgo de desastres y otros ámbitos conexos.

Time Approximate required to complete the course: between two and 2,5 hours. This course uses text, interactive drawings, case studies and various activities To define the basic concepts of impact-based warning systems. After completing these The course, you'll be better equipped to help your organization transition to an impact-based approach in Hydrometeorological services, disaster risk reduction and other areas Related.

Примерная продолжительность выполнения: 2-2,5 часа. В этом курсе используются текст, интерактивная графика, исследования на конкретных примерах и упражнения для ознакомления с основными понятиями обслуживания прогнозами и предупреждениями с учетом воздействий. После прохождения этого курса вы будете лучше подготовлены к тому, чтобы помочь своей организации в продвижении подхода, основанного на воздействиях, в областях гидрометеорологического обслуживания, снижения риска бедствий и смежных областях.

As part of the Caribbean project funded by the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) Initiative, this self-paced elearning course makes use of text, interactive graphics, case-studies and activities to introduce the use of the Potential Tropical Cyclone (PTC) advisory and associated forecast guidance from the United States National Hurricane Center (NHC).
This course is aimed primarily at the emergency management community, but it will also benefit forecasters in NMHSs.

Knowledge and actionable intelligence on weather, water and climate extremes are key to improve decision-making by disaster management, civil protection authorities and other stakeholders. Impact-based forecast and warning services (IBFWS) inform on the likelihood and severity of impacts to lives and property, considering exposure, and the physical, social, and economic dimensions of vulnerability to multi-hazards.
Knowing what the weather will do in terms of impacts, consequences and meaning, has more value for decision-making than simply knowing what the weather will be, i.e., a report on the predicted state and flux variables. Implementation of IBFWS supports the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services’ (NMHSs) efforts to increase value in service delivery.
The development of impact-based and impact forecasts entails the gathering of requirements, the establishment of infrastructure, technical development, operating and communication processes, and the identification of roles and responsibilities of all partners involved (WMO-No.1150 Part I and Part II). The main activities proposed for this workshop will address: Partnerships, training, recording of impacts, public awareness and education.