An online course on "Introduction to Hydrology and Flash Flood Forecasting", also known as

"Capacity Building Event-1" was held online in September 2021. It was the first training, part of the Regional Flood Alert Project, led by OCHA Geneva and EXPERTISE FRANCE. CBE-1 was planned for meteorologists and hydrologist from Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel and set the theoretical background for flood forecasting.

The second training, Flood Warnings & Decision Support to Civil Authorities and the Public, will be conducted in two phases. The first phase will be online. It will aim Meteorologists and Hydrologists, and will focus on the practical methods for flood forecasting.

The second phase is planned to be face-to-face, aimed for meteorologists, hydrologists and emergency personnel to enhance the collaboration between the NMHSs' experts and the civil protection agencies experts and to provide support to Emergency Managers, about Warnings, Advisories, and dissemination of messages, including the Alert protocol.    

Regionl (JIP) Training on Flash Flood forecasting for operational forecasters. The first capacity building even of the OCHA FEWS project, part of the regional Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian regional dialouge process - increasing the regional cooperation before and during civil emergencies.