When Dating Becomes a Numbers Game

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We’ve had plenty of discussions about men and our propensity to rather date an attractive women with a less wordy resume versus a “6” with a gang of degrees. But you know, every now and then, a man will end up dating a woman that has everybody asking questions.

And alas, quite often I’ve seen an attractive woman dating a man with crip-walking teeth, or maybe even a fellow who would put on an ACTUAL WOOL sweater to come to a party in the middle of July in Washington, DC, during AKA week because apparently he thought he might get chilly since the temperature was supposed to drop ALL THE WAY down to 69. Somebody break out the mittens.

But I digress.

Fact is, in almost everybody’s catalog of “folks I dated”, there is a frog or two.

And do you know how it happens?

Do ya?

Do ya?

Go ahead. Take a gander. A goose if you must.

You talked to them.

Yep, it’s that simple.

Now, my guess is that this happens to women more than it does to men. If you can make a woman laugh, you have a 10/1 shot of at least getting 5 more minutes of conversation which is generally all you’ll need for her to let her guard down and say, “ya know what, he looks like Dennis Rodman but he seems nice, why not give him a shot to at least pay for my dinner once?”

This doesn’t work so well for men. For one, how often does a man intentionally approach an ugly woman? Not.often. Ugly men approach beautiful women all the time as they have nothing to lose. In fact, if I was a fuglysomebody, I’d ONLY approach banging chicks. And even moreso, I’d approach at least 8 a day. When ugly comes into play, the sheer number of people you address will increase your possibility of scoring a banging chick. Basically, somebody’s gonna give up the ghost and then you’re a success story. Even if it’s 1 out of 400, that one makes you a story worth discussing.

For a man to end up dating an ugly woman, he usually has to know her from the neighborhood and spent a lot of time getting to know her – almost to the point where he has to begin asking himself why NOT date her. We all do it. We find excuses to forego somebody we’re interested in because they look like lamps.

But women can be charmed. In fact, any women can be charmed, you can take that to the bank. And charm is half the battle. So if you’re a facially challenged brother out there, work on your personality because a great personality can win over a woman with an open heart who likes to smile. Women who never smile are evil and you should never speak to them.

And for my facially challenged women out there? Well…

…work on your head game and be rich.

Thank you and good night.

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