
Factors Influencing IgE Secretion and Production
1. Genetic components IgE synthesis and secretion are strongly correlated with an individual's genetic background; those who have a high IgE level in their families are more likely to develop and secrete IgE antibodies. Atopy is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, according to family lineage surveys. However, different members of the same family may experience different atopic disorders, and production of high levels of IgE antibodies may be associated with specific loci in the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC Class II).

2. Environmental factors: Season, air quality, and environmental pollutants can all influence the synthesis of IgE antibodies. Particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide, for instance, can irritate the respiratory tract and cause an allergic reaction, which in turn causes the body to produce IgE antibodies.

3. Inflammatory factors: B cells may release IgE antibodies in response to bacterial, viral, fungal, and other illnesses.

4. Allergens in food: Certain food items, such dairy, peanuts, and shrimp, can cause an allergic reaction in the body, which increases the production of IgE antibodies.

5. Drug factors: A number of substances and medications, including alcohol, hormones, vaccinations, antibiotics, and others, can cause the body to produce too many IgE antibodies, which can alter the body's ability to produce and secrete IgE antibodies.

6. Immunoregulatory factors: Excessive release and production of IgE may also result from an imbalance in the body's immunological control and from inappropriate activation of immune cells such T cells.

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