
The main purpose of the workshop is to bring the already established RWCs together to discuss their experience with performing the functions toward an improved sustainability of their operations, including feedback on the use of WIGOS tools, by sharing knowledge and lessons learned, as well as to review their procedures, plans and activities, such as those related to capacity development.

Provisional Program

The topics for the workshop are listed below:

  1. Set the scene/status reports from RWCs
  2. WIGOS tools performance and evolution
  3. Training and other capacity development activities
  4. RWCs ToRs, scope and audit programme
  5. Review of regulatory/guidance material
  6. Conclusions and recommendations

The detailed provisional program can be seen here: Draft program

Workshop Material

Workshop material can found here: RWC Global Workshop material

List of Participants

Members, both those already established RWCs and those who have expressed interest in hosting as RWCs, and centers/units relevant to the RWC's functions are invited to attend the workshop.

List of participants, in-person and online, is available here: List of participants_RWC Global workshop.xlsx

Final Report

Final report of RWC Global workshop can be seen here: Final_report_RWC_Global_workshop_1.0.pdf

Última modificación: jueves, 30 de enero de 2025, 13:56