RA V RECO Phase 2

RA V RECO Phase 2, with a focus on infrastructure, will be held in Nadi, Fiji, on 11 and 12 October 2022. The meeting will be held in hybrid format for those who are unable to travel.



The purpose is to exchange information on significant infrastructure initiatives arising from recent resolutions and decisions of Extraordinary Congress and Executive Council, including the Unified Data Policy, the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) and the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF), and identify pathways for regional implementation.

 ℹ  Tentative Programme

 ℹ  Presentations and Documents


SOFF Programming Workshop

RA V RECO Phase 2 will be followed by the SOFF Programming Workshop on 13 October 2022 with Permanent Representatives (PRs) of RA V Members and partners.



The objective of the SOFF programming workshop is to discuss and develop the outline of a coordinated Pacific SOFF programming proposal. The proposal would include information on the Pacific GBON gap analysis, the mapping of regional and country opportunities, readiness of the SOFF Implementing Entities and SOFF peer advisors to deliver in the region, identification of opportunities to leverage investments of other environment and climate funds, past implementation challenges and potential solutions, and regional synergies and implementation approach.

 ℹ  Concept Note and Agenda


Training Workshop on WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System

Concurrently a Training Workshop on WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) for Regional WIGOS Centres (RWCs) will be held on 12 (3.20pm local time) to 14 October 2022.



The Training Workshop on WDQMS for RWCs aims to deliver training to RWCs staff and National Focal Points (NFPs) on WDQMS from RA V Members, on the use of WIGOS tools, particularly on the WDQMS Webtool and on the Incident Management System. It will consist of presentations, discussions and hands-on practical exercises and examples.

 ℹ  Tentative Programme

 ℹ  Presentations and Documents


Note: The relevant documents will be made available shortly.

 ℹ  Information Note for Participants

آخر تعديل: الخميس، 30 يناير 2025، 1:33 PM