Hybrid Workshop for Regional WIGOS Centres in RA VI

The workshop for Regional WIGOS Centres (RWCs) in RA VI will be held in hybrid format on 14-15 March 2023, in Geneva, Switzerland.

Structure of the Workshop

The Workshop is proposed to be organized as hybrid workshop with in-person and online attendance of the participants.

Objectives of the Workshop

The workshop is planned to discuss establishment and operation of RWCs in RA VI, with the objectives of informing the participants on RWC functions and requirements, reviewing the capacities of the Members for hosting RWCs, and developing and finalizing the conceptual framework for RWCs in RA VI.

This workshop will also support the establishment of RWCs in RA VI with the following objectives:

  • To introduce the RWC functions and roles of hosting Members and affiliated Members
  • To introduce the WIGOS tools (OSCAR/Surface, WDQMS webtool and Incident Management System for RWCs)
  • To get feedback from the Members on using WIGOS tools and performing RWC functions
  • To develop the conceptual framework of RWC structure in RA VI

Outcomes of the Workshop

The expected outcomes of the workshop are as follows:

  • Refreshment of the knowledge on WIGOS and WIGOS tools among the participants
  • Increased awareness and better understanding on the responsibilities of the hosting members for RWC functions
  • Development of a conceptual framework for the establishment and operation of RWCs in RA VI
  • Development of implementation plan for establishment of RWCs in pilot mode in RA VI
  • Self-assessment of the Members on their capacities for RWC operations

Workshop Documents

Workshop documents and presentations are available here.

Última modificación: jueves, 30 de enero de 2025, 13:58