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This course requires Self-Enrollment. Please follow the instructions below:

  1. At the upper right of the course page, you will see “You are currently using guest access (Log in)”. Click “Log in”.
  2. If you already have an account at the ETRP Moodle, you can log in and continue following the instructions from number “9” in this list.
  3. If you do not have an account yet, scroll down the log in page until you see “Is this your first time here?” Click “Create new account”.
  4. On the New account page, fill in all required information and respond to the reCAPTCHA, then click “Create my new account”.
  5. You will receive a notification that an email has been sent to the email account you entered in the New account page.
  6. This email contains a link to the ETRP Moodle site. To confirm your account, click this link within the email.
  7. Clicking the link will take you to a page on the site confirming your registration. Click “Continue”.
  8. You will return to the Course Front Page (the page with course title and pictures). If you are not there, please click this link: Caribbean Early Warnings Using the Potential Tropical Cyclone (PTC) Advisory
  9. From the Actions menu in the upper right, beneath the icon of a gear, click “Enrol me in this course”.
  10. Clicking the link will take you to a page on the site to confirm your enrolment. Click “Enrol me”.
  11. At this point, you are now enrolled, and you should see a block on the right side of you page indicating your completion status in the course. This block confirms that you are now enrolled in the course.

最后修改: 2023年07月24日 星期一 22:45