Roro Yuliana - Purwanti Engage Your Coachee using the Innerview and the Sandwich Method
Engage Your Coachee using the Innerview and the Sandwich Method
Author: Roro Yuliana Purwanti
The Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG), Indonesia
Co-Author(s): Adityawarman, BMKG; Nina Amelia Sasmita, BMKG Ratih Prasetya, BMKG
Nowadays, the coaching approach implements in various fields. Not only in sport, but people get familiar with the coaching culture also in training, education, and organization. This approach is moving beyond what happened in the coaching room to becoming a style in managing, leading, and engaging with all stakeholders (Hawkins, 2012).
The VUCA brings the world a complex challenge. Change happens everywhere, every time to everyone. To be successfully adapted, people need to grow both individual and collective capacities. Many organizations believe that coaching is an effective way to ensure that adaptability and learning have been taken place.
The new paradigm of coaching is to see people not only as a client but also the partner to be set side by side. More specifically in the learning context, we even hear the jargon ‘A sage in the stage now change to be a guide in the side’. Some organizations implement the principle of coaching in terms of learning model 10:20:70. Coaching that belongs to social learning, is a part of the 20%.
This video provides a brief introduction to what coaching is:
In addition, many references describe the fact of coaching as a skill that can be learned, even some people tend to be natural coaches. Two effective coaching tools to help the coaches do the function effectively are the innerview and the sandwich method.
Let's have fun exploring these two methods with other fellow participants on the last day of CALMet 2021. Don't miss the sandwhiches!