Please watch the recording of the EOTEC DevNet presentation at CALMet XIV 2021

The Earth Observation Training, Education, and Capacity Development Network, or EOTEC DevNet, is a network of networks created to improve coordination and engagement of Earth Observation asset and training providers in support of key global sustainable development outcomes. EOTEC DevNet brings together Earth observation capacity development networks, including CEOS, GEO, UNOOSA, CGMS, and WMO to share tools, resources, and needs related to the sustainable development agenda, including disaster risk reduction.

In the pilot stage of EOTEC DevNet, the network came together to gather Earth observation tools and capacity development resources to help respond to or prepare for floods.

This scavenger hunt will guide you through realistic scenarios faced by decision-makers across the globe to demonstrate the benefit that Earth observation data, tools, and trainings can provide at global, regional, and local scales and how EOTEC DevNet's approach can help training providers reach a greater audience.

--EOTEC DevNet Flood Tools Scavenger Hunt--

If you'd like to learn more about EOTEC DevNet, please visit our primary website. You can view the full Floods Tracker that inspired this scavenger hunt here - note that this is a beta version and will be integrated on the website in the coming months.

Infographic showing the relationship of different networks to EOTEC DevNet; CEOS, GEO, UNOOSA, CGMS, and WMO are on an inner circle network of leadership and UNFCCC is an affiliated organization.

A link to a Group Forum will be added here and made available at the start of the conference on Sept 27th.

Last modified: Wednesday, 29 September 2021, 12:39 PM