
Chile Navy Weather Service (SERVIMET) is fully engaged on the developement and formation of its own specialists (technical observers and analysts forecasters), from the basic degrees to advanced level, including: aviation weather, marine meteorology, glaciology, maritime operations support and planning at mid latitudes, antarctic and even tropical climates.

Within the Naval Polytechnical Academy and the Maritime Instruction Training Center, "SERVIMET" offers a variety of specific courses to shipping crews (national and foreigns), maritime authorities staff, merchant officers, pilots, fishing and yacht sport, participating also on international cooperation programs, such as the Global Ocean Observation System (GOOS) Regional Alliance of the South Pacific (GRASP), Voluntary Observation Ship (VOS), Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG) and other scientific congress, in order to keep up to dated those topics on our classes to the final users of the Maritime Safety Information (MSI).

The training includes both theoretical classes and practical procedures, adopting recently the possibility of remote webinars by using multiple video conferences platforms and some World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on line activity resources.

Our next challenge is the design of a fully on line self instruction course for ship weather reports and marine forecasts users needs understanding, under the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping (STCW) for seafarers.  


Last modified: Tuesday, 21 September 2021, 4:13 PM