Tsvetomir Ross-Lazarov - Creating Short Sims with Branchtrack
Requisitos de finalización
- Introduction to Branchtrack
This 2 minute video introduces you to the basic functions of Branchtrack. Please watch it before coming to the Branchtrack workshop.
- Try a short sim about Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services: https://www.branchtrack.com/p/r3984zbh
- Short Sims Examples
Try out some short sims created with Branchtrack: https://www.shortsims.com/examples
- This video is an in-depth walkthrough:https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=rEbEi9R5hJo - This is the documentation on Branchtrack's website: https://community.branchtrack.
com/hc/en-us/categories/ 360001866712-Building- simulations-in-BranchTrack
Última modificación: jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2021, 18:32