For now, one of the main issues in climate sciences is adaptation of economic sectors to climate change and variability in order to ensure sustainable development of society. To solve this problem interaction between NMHSs and their essential partners from national technical departments such as agriculture, disaster management, public health planning, etc is required. Achieving such an interaction is the most challenging component in climate science and climate services. One of the best ways to enhance of interdisciplinary interaction between professionals in the field of climate sciences and experts from the climate-dependent sectors is delivering a joint-training for them to allow for organization of multi-disciplinary working groups and national frameworks for the co-production.

Therefore, to bridge the gap between climate forecasters and sector expertise in Ukraine at Odessa State Environmental University a supra- and multidisciplinary training is proposed to carry out on an ongoing basis for a wide audience involved in solving climate change adaptation issues, namely professionals and researchers in the field of climate, experts from climate-dependent economic sectors and policy- and decision-makers. For implementation of the training the blended learning is chosen since this format is an ideal training solution to combine the virtues of a classroom instruction with of online one.

It is anticipated that there will be four main parts to the course schedule: 1) online prerequisite readings with quizzes and open discussions initiated by learners, 2) online course with video lessons, quizzes, webinars, assignments, open and leader-centered discussions 3) residence course with lectures and project implementation, and 4) post-course activities, during which the learners will share the knowledge gained during the course within their home institutions through organized local courses, short seminars or mentoring activities with colleagues

The major part of the training, the residence component, is aimed to gain new skills and practice the gained skills through implementation of projects. The learners will be divided into small groups optimally consisting of 4-6 persons and 1-2 facilitators each, who work together on the project on the selected multidisciplinary topic during the residence. After accomplishing their projects participants must present them at the conference and take a part in the plenary discussion.

The training is based on giving authentic research problems and using real economic, social and climate data.

Short presentation

Supra- and multidisciplinary project-based training plan

Modifié le: dimanche 12 septembre 2021, 20:53