Watch the first 3 minutes of this video to gain insights on how CAP can improve how alerts are issued.

The host for this video, Eliot Christian, has played an instrumental role in developing CAP for the WMO. His passion and expertise in developing CAP and offering training workshops has been a major reason that CAP is already being used by many WMO members. Throughout this course, Eliot will be presenting insights on CAP and why it is an effective tool for alert messaging. 

This video is hosted on YouTube. If you are not a native English speaker, you may want to use the 'Closed Captioning' option on the lower right of the video and selecting your preferred language. Note that the closed captioning is machine generated and may have some minor inconsistencies.

Video segment of interest: 00:08 to 03:10
Note: The video will auto-play and stop at the above time points. However, if you wish to see the entire video, you can advance past the 03:10 time point.

After watching the video segment, either return to the main course page or select the next activity from the links or dropdown menu below. 

Última modificación: jueves, 14 de marzo de 2019, 20:31