
XML station representation in OSCAR

由 IckesLuisa 编辑于 2019年03月18日 星期一 08:26

Dear OSCAR/Surface users,

additional to our monthly OSCAR/Surface webinars we also want to bring this blog to life!

We just posted a second blog post about the XML representation of a station in OSCAR. It has a detailed explanation how a XML file looks like and what kind of changes can be made to OSCAR/Surface through XML. We also want to show you how you can register a station starting from a XML file and how you can update this station later on.

The blog post is written in the form of a Jupyter notebook and can be found here:

https://github.com/wmo-im/docs/blob/master/XML%20station%20representation%20in%20OSCAR.ipynb .

If you have any questions or comments, please leave a comment here (logon with your email to the moodle site).

Happy XML-uploading and editing,

