Editing new contact

Editing new contact



I've registered new contact  and add some station using GUI (just 10 stations). When I try to edit contact and add more stations I don't find the way how to do it? I can

edit only personal info of new contact.


Re: Editing new contact

NUNESLuis Filipe -

Dear Kemal,

Thank you for your question and apologies for the delayed reply.

We are looking into this issue and will come back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards.


回复NUNESLuis Filipe

Re: Editing new contact

NUNESLuis Filipe -

Dear Kemal, all,

To link an existing station in OSCAR/Surface to a contact you need to edit the station concerned and add the intended contact under the "Station contacts".

The current workflow in OSCAR/Surface doesn't allow adding several stations to an existing contact at once.

This issue has now been added to the list of possible change requests for a future release of OSCAR/Surface, in case it becomes clear that it is a users requirement.

Therefore, comments and feedback from the community will be much appreciated.

Thank you and kind regards,
