Station contact persons

Station contact persons

par Ohmar Thein,
Nombre de réponses : 3

Dear all,

How many station contact persons can I register?

e.g; If my country have 40 stations, the contact person must be 40?

OR our country has 14 states and Regions can I register 14 contact person for each state and region?

Best Regards,


En réponse à Ohmar Thein

Re: Station contact persons

par Luisa Ickes,

Dear Ohmar,

every station created in your country will automatically have the national focal point (NFP; in this case you) as a station contact. Additional you can in principal create for each station as many station contacts as you want. Station contacts can edit the metadata of the station they are registered for. 

So in your case the answer for the first question is no: you do not need 40 different contact persons. If you do not register any other station contacts etc. all stations would have the same station contact, which is the NFP.

If you want to have 14 people able to edit the stations of their state you would need to assign the stations of each state with the corresponding station contact. Note that station contacts can register new stations, but have to add themselves as station contacts to this station if they want to be able to edit the station afterwards.

A different approach could be to create 14 Metadata editors for your country. They would have the same rights as you as a national focal point.

You can find the different user roles and their rights in Table 2 of the OSCAR/Surface user manual:

Hope you find the answer helpful!

Kind regards,


En réponse à Luisa Ickes

Re: Station contact persons

par Luisa Ickes,

PS: A comment to what I wrote earlier: The metadata editors of a country are also automatically added as station contacts for all the stations of the country (similar to the NFP).