My suggestions about review of BIP-M

My suggestions about review of BIP-M

DUTTASomenath -

A few suggestions towards review of BIP-M are offered below:

  • It is inevitable that BIP-M is very useful. It is a framework guidance for any RTC/NHMS to design or review its training curricula.
  •  It is also inevitable that it needs a review now.
  • Review of BIP-M may be thought of from three aspects, viz., duration, contents and evaluation 
  • Duration is suggested not to be changed.
  • Some new topics, viz; basics of Climate services, impact based weather forecasting, application of R software, Grads, AWS, GIS etc may be added.
  • It is suggested to design BIP-M for multiple disciplines, viz., for operational weather forecasting(both aviation & non-aviation) services, operational Climate services, Agricultural Meteorology, Meteorological Instrumentation & Information and Communication and Research & Development.
  • For all disciplines a common compulsory portion is suggested, consisting of basics of Dynamic Met, Physical Met, Synoptic Met (containing Meso-scale Weather systems also), Climatology Meteorological Statistics, Sat met, Radar Met and Aviation. Remaining portion may contain specialized topics of the concerned disciplines.
  • Additional qualification needed for job competencies, is to extend depends on individual NM&HS's need. This may be addressed by designing and conducting tailor made customized short duration (1-4 weeks) course on specific field/topic. However, a framework requirement for designing & conducting such courses may be decided by ETR office to provide a guidelines to the NM&HS/RTCs, especially in the UDC/LDC.