OSCAR version history log

OSCAR version history log

ThompsonStuart -

Hello all

When the version of OSCAR has been updated, is there a version history log listed anywhere of what has been updated in each version and when?




Re: OSCAR version history log

CappellettiLucia -

Hi Stuart

Every time a new version of the application is updated we include an entry in the OSCAR/Surface "News" section: https://oscar.wmo.int/surface//index.html#/news/ (also visible from the Homepage)

The entry includes a list of new functionalities and bug fixes. I'll also add n the text the version number the entry refers to.





Re: OSCAR version history log - & Metadata editor


Thanks Lucia, that is very useful to understand, we will keep an eye on the news section for updates.

This bit sounded particularly useful "possibility for National Focal Points to delegate their rights to somebody else by assigning the role of Metadata Editor. This functionality should help especially countries with many stations to keep metadata up-to-date;". It is probably staring me in the face, but how to I find this option?

Many thanks,




Re: OSCAR version history log - & Metadata editor

CappellettiLucia -

Hi Adam

Once you are logged in, you can select and edit the contact you would like to assign the "Metadata Editor" role to. At the bottom of the edit contact form you should see the dedicated checkbox.

When registering a new contact you should also see the "Metadata Editor" checkbox at the bottom of the contact registration form.

If you still don't find it I'll attach some screenshots.




Re: OSCAR version history log - & Metadata editor

CappellettiLucia -

Hi Adam

We've just identified a bug in this functionality. We will hopefully fix it with the upcoming release. In the meantime I used a workaround to let you assign the "metadata editor" role.

Please try again and let me know ihow it goes.

