RTC Directors Resources for Review

RTC Directors Resources for Review

بواسطة - Patrick Parrish
عدد الردود: 0

Dear Directors of WMO Regional Training Centres (RTCs), 

We would like to inform you about the resources available this week in the RTC Director's section of the Moodle site at https://etrp.wmo.int/course/view.php?id=137.

There you will find reports on the ETR Office and on RTC activities in recent years, including Fellowships and Short Courses, as well as the report to the most recent Executive Council. We will expect that you have reviewed and considered these resources prior to the meeting on Thursday. 

Also note that all presentations for SYMET that have been shared with us are now available on the Moodle site. We encourage you  to make time to read these in advance to maximize the effectiveness of both meetings.

Best regards, 

Patrick Parrish

Chief, Training Activities Division, ETR Office