Webinars on graphical product services from World Meteorological Centres (WMCs)

Webinars on graphical product services from World Meteorological Centres (WMCs)

от Zulkarnain Zulkarnain -
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Dear SOFF Peer Advisors,

We are pleased to share an information about an upcoming webinar on graphical product from World Meteorological Centres.

WMO/WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS) will organize a webinar with ECMWF to introduce their graphical product services (ecChart and Web Map Service) to WMO Members. The webinar will be held twice on 12 December 2024 from 0800 to 0930 UTC and from 1400 to 1530 UTC with the same content presented in English, French and Spanish. More detailed information will be provided on the website: Webinars on Effective Utilization of WIPPS Graphical Products | World Meteorological Organization. Kindly note that registration through the website is required to receive the webinar link. 

WMO has already sent an invitation letter to all Permanent Representatives. However, we encourage you to share this information with relevant experts within your organizations, particularly those supporting SOFF implementation. Please also note that this webinar coincides with our WIS 2.0 session on the same date.

Kind regards,

SOFF Secretariat