Discrepancy in Data Received by NWP Centers

Discrepancy in Data Received by NWP Centers

от iqbal iqbal -
Количество ответов: 7

Dear NWP Center,

The GBON station in Indonesia has consistently transmitted data 24 times daily, for instance, WMO ID WIGOS-ID: 0-20000-0-97300. However, it has come to our attention that the data received by various NWP centers is often less than the expected 24 transmissions. For example:

  • DWD: 8
  • ECMWF: 23
  • JMA: 8
  • NCEP: 4

To clarify this discrepancy, I have attached a monitoring image below for your reference.

Приложение waiOTI.png
В ответ на iqbal iqbal

Re: Discrepancy in Data Received by NWP Centers

от Jeff Ator -


Are these reports available in BUFR, or only in TAC?

The reason I'm asking is because I only see them in GTS bulletins with headers "SIID22 WIIX" and "SIMD02 WIIX" which are TAC products, and which don't contain a WIGOS ID.  So we'd like to ask if they are also being disseminated in BUFR format (perhaps on an hourly basis?), and if so under which GTS header(s)?

Please confirm - thanks!


В ответ на Jeff Ator

Re: Discrepancy in Data Received by NWP Centers

от iqbal iqbal -
here I confirm the questions 

Are these reports available in BUFR, or only in TAC?  Yes, data are sent in BUFR and TAC

So we'd like to ask if they are also being disseminated in BUFR format (perhaps on an hourly basis?  we send in hourly,

and if so, under which GTS header(s)?   ISNG02WIIX and  ISMG02WIIX



В ответ на iqbal iqbal

Re: Discrepancy in Data Received by NWP Centers

от iqbal iqbal -
В ответ на iqbal iqbal

Re: Discrepancy in Data Received by NWP Centers

от Jeff Ator -
Hello Iqbal and thank you for the prompt reply!

I've confirmed that we're already receiving and processing the ISMG02 WIIX and ISIG22 WIIX products, but I haven't seen any reports from MAUMERE/WAI OTI/0-20000-0-97300 in any of the ones I've looked at. So that's a bit puzzling, and could you please double-check that those are indeed the correct headers whose data we should be checking?

At the moment we don't appear to be receiving any ISNG02 WIIX products, but I also don't see those anywhere in our local listing of available GTS products, so I will have to chase that down further on our end.

In the meantime, I've reached out to some colleagues about the reports from this station that we do receive in the corresponding TAC products, to ask why we apparently seem to be counting less of them than DWD and JMA on a daily basis. I will let you know what I hear back from them.

Thanks and best regards,
В ответ на Jeff Ator

Re: Discrepancy in Data Received by NWP Centers

от Jeff Ator -
Hello Iqbal and All,

To follow-up on this, my colleagues have determined why we (NCEP) are only counting about roughly half of the daily number of observations shown by DWD and JMA.  It turns out that we are receiving all of them, but due to an anomaly in our downstream processing, only about half of them are making it through to the stage where they're counted for our WDQMS reporting.

This has been noted as a bug on our end and will be addressed at some point in the future, but at the moment we can't give you any estimate as to when that will be.

Best regards,

В ответ на iqbal iqbal

Re: Discrepancy in Data Received by NWP Centers

от Karl Monnik -
Hello Igbal

Looking at Ogimet it seems there are some Nil messages in the TAC reports.

202411250000 AAXX 25004 97300 31460 30403 10304 20264 30069 40105 52018 70494 82201
333 20266 50600 55110 56000 57804 58005 82816
202411250100 AAXX 25014 97300 NIL=
202411250200 AAXX 25024 97300 NIL=
202411250300 AAXX 25034 97300 31458 82103 10289 20249 30057 40094 58011 79599 86907
333 56000 57901 57801 81915 85816 88280 80980
202411250400 AAXX 25044 97300 NIL=
202411250500 AAXX 25054 97300 NIL=
В ответ на Karl Monnik

Re: Discrepancy in Data Received by NWP Centers

от iqbal iqbal -

Dear Carl and Jeff,

Thank you for your response. I will double-check internally to see if there was any operator error during data entry.

By the way, I’m still curious,

  1.  why the data received by the NWP center differ? Are there different rules applied in each NWP center?
  2. Does the NWP center only accept BUFR , no longer TAF? Also, does Ogymet only accept BUFR format?
