مخطط الموضوع

  • About CONECT

    The Consortium of WMO Education and Training Collaborating Partners (CONECT) is a self-governing entity formed by education and training stakeholders of WMO with the view of having a structured platform for discussion and sharing of ideas that can contribute to improving capacity development.

    The overall objective of CONECT is to strengthen coordination and sustainability of education and training efforts by providers on Earth Systems, including weather, climate, water and related environmental disciplines, being a formal mechanism to achieve the goals of the WMO Global Campus initiative.

    CONECT aims to:

    • be a formal mechanism to achieve the goals of the WMO Global Campus initiative

    • complement the work of the Capacity Development Panel of WMO Executive Council

    • assist in building critical mass of support for ensuring technically sound, coherent, consistent and timely input of stakeholders towards the provision of desirable strategic direction for education and training activities.

    • constitute a viable ground for minimization of duplication, to complement efforts, maximize impacts, and enhancing cost-effective use of resources